02. First date

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Emily pov - June 19th, 1997

I barely know how to do this anymore. I've barely been on a real date since first year of college. It's been at least five years since last.

And for the last few days, since she texted, I haven't known how to act. I've just been starring at the small text chain that only contain the invitation, and my answer.

Lieutenant Y/n

Hi, it's Y/n from the other night.
I'm in town next week again and was thinking of trying out this new Italian place on 21st street. Around 7:30 pm on the 19th
I'll be the one in the silver dress ;)

I'll see you there

And how lame. What kind of answer is that. But that's about it. That's the only conversation. And now I'm rushing around my apartment before my cab will have to wait for me.

Galileo restaurant, which opened last week, is a high-end Italian restaurant. Specialising in contemporary interpretations of classic dishes.

Did I mention it's very posh???

And it wasn't even like an asking out to a date, more like an invitation. Like if I see you there it's a date, if I don't it's a night out for me.

Tsia has just left and I don't know what to do with myself right now. I've put on a losely sitting red dress with thin straps and a deep neckline, reaching down to my calves with a slit going up my thigh. With thick black heels to it all. A few simple silver wristbands and a matching silver necklace going deep, and simple silver rings in my ears. My watch still sitting on my wrist.

I'm largely overthinking everything I'm doing. And it's already going to make me late.

"Okay, breathe Emily, it's going to be fine." I say to myself as I look into the mirror in my hall. No makeup beside some mascara and lipstick. Nothing to fancy, but something just to match the restaurant.

"Fuck." I say as I pick up my little black bag, throwing it over my arm and heading out. The longer I watch myself in the mirror, the more I'll contemplate staying in. Which I really don't want to do, since I want to see her again.

I get in the cab waiting for me and we drive. I try not to think about anything, but I make the mistake of looking at the time on my watch. It's 7:37. I'm already late. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

At least I'm lucky with low traffic, so it doesn't take long for us to stop outside the restaurant. I pay and get out, heading inside.

My gaze immediately searches for a woman with a silvery dress. But I can't see anything.

"Miss? Do you have a reservation?" A hostess asks me as I'm just standing there. The place is packed, so she must have a reservation.

"I'm..." I start, but then I see her sitting by a table near the back windows. Sipping on a glass of wine, red. And even though she's sitting down, barley visible to me, I see her silvery short dress sparkle in the light.

"Miss?" She asks again and I realise I had to answer her.

"I'm meeting her, just a few minutes late. The name is Y/n Y/l/n." Thirteen minutes late to be exact. And I have to hit myself mentally for it.

Lieutenant and SSA (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now