8. A cruel world

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A/n and now school had begun again. So now I'm trying to get back into that as well. Imma do my best, since writing is my happy place I'm gonna do just that to to feel better.
I just need a long train ride or someshit to write. Because I actually think I want this written more than you want to read it.
Hope you enjoy it.

Emily pov - Another weeks pass

The days were long but the nights were longer. Time continued to pass even when I did not want it to. But life continued, even when I could not continue. Everything around me continued, while I stood still.

Every time I fall asleep I can feel her arms wrapped around me, her soft voice whispering into my ear. Penelope has stayed by my side the whole time, refusing to leave me alone. And I thank her for it, for helping to fill out the silence that lays over the house.

Y/n would always play music or have the tv on. Now neither is playing. Except for the memories that we share, that Pen is making me tell her. And it's helping. It's helping me to keep up hope that she will be okay. Wherever they are... she will be okay.

Even though since that call, there hasn't been any other news. Not even public news. I had talked on the phone with her father, just to try and figure out what more was happening. But he was even more in the dark then i was. But he promised to call if there was any other information that he could get ahold of, i promised the same.

"How about we go out tonight, huh?" She suggests as she sits down next to me on the couch. "Some fresh air, a few drinks, some company." Brushing some hair out of my face.

I let out a breath as I lean my head back on the pillow. "I don't feel like going out Pen." My voice is weaker than I thought it was.

"Em, you need to get out of here. You can't stay up in here forever."

"No, just until she gets home." Because that's all I want. For her to come home.

"You ARE going out whether you like it or not. You need it." But I don't move. Even though I know that she'll probably get me out of here. I may not follow willingly, but I won't fight it. "What would she say if she could see you now?"

And her words strike at my heart. Because I know what she'd say. The same thing shes said when I'm in a episode or is just really exhausted. 'Don't worry about it honey, it'll all be okay. And don't think your scarring me away. I love you, and I married you because of it. I'm not going anywhere'. And most often it would help. But this time she's not here. It's her I'm waiting for.

"Look, honey, I'm not gonna pretend I understand how you feel, because I don't. But I do know that this," she gestures to me. "Is not the way to do it. You don't have to have fun, just come out."

"I don't feel like it Penelope." I just... ugh this is getting to much. I just want something to distract me, something to... "sure, I'll come with."

"Great." She says excitedly. "I'll tell JJ to come and pick us up at eight, which is in three hours, and we'll check out some places that you get to show Y/n when she gets home."

"Yeah, sure." I answer, feeling my eyes falling heavy again. My eyes drifting to the phone now laying on the table.

And she continues to talk about the plans for tonight, me only humming in answer. As I feel the sleepless night catching up with me. It could be just what I need if I'm gonna be able to hang with them tonight.


A phone rings through the air and wakes me up. I'm alone on the couch, a blanket had been put over me and there is a faint sound of someone in the kitchen.

My breathing quickens as the steps head over to the phone on the wall. Not on the table in front of me. I could have sworn I put it there. Did Penelope put it back?

"This is the Prentiss residence, Y/n Prentiss speaking." It feels like my heart stops. "Oh, hi. Yeah, no sorry. We'll have to reschedule." I rise up to look behind me. To see her smiling there by the phone. A smile on her lips, her hair up in two short braids, body dressed in sweatpants. As if she's been staying at home for days.

She continues to talk and I just look at her. This can't be correct. I must be dreaming. This... it can't be real. It can't... it can't... it can't... it can't. Could it?

Then her gaze turns to me and it's so soft that I feel like I could cry. Am I crying? I might be crying.

"Hey Nat, I've gotta go. Em woke up." And then she hangs up with another goodbye to the person on the other side of the phone.

And then the way she walks over to me, so comforting and so... so damned lovable and caring. "Hey honey, how did you sleep?"

"Y/n?" My voice almost trembles as she comes to sit next to me. Her hand pulling some hair out of my face.

"Oh honey, are you okay?" She uses her thumbs to brush the tears from my cheeks.

"You're here?" I breath out as her gaze softens even more, but also fills with worry. "You're really hear?"

"Of course I am, where else would I be baby?" Her hand brushes past to feel my cheek and then neck. "Look, I know you hate being coddled with when sick, but I'm not leaving you home alone when you're like this?"

I don't understand. What is happening? Could it really have all been a dream. I feel warm, maybe I'm running a fever. "I'm sorry." I let out a relieved sob as I lean into her touch.

"What on earth are you sorry for?" Her voice, so soft and comforting and... gods I've missed it so much.

"I had this terrible dream." Her wrist goes to check my forehead and I feel it wash over me. It was a dream. A bad dream.

"It was only a dream, I'm here." She smiles at me and I feel calmer than I have for the last weeks. "Why don't you go back to sleep, you need it."

She pulls me into her arms, letting me lay against her shoulder. All a dream. It was all a dream. A nightmare. A terrific blue nightmare that is going to ice my bones for a long time.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" I nuzzle your against her and feel safer than I've get in so long. Not even the dreams I've had before where I just feel her presence.

"Of course I will." Her arms wrap around me protectively and I feel so much better. So safe... so loved and I never want to leave.


"Come on Em, you can't go out in those clothes. I've put out a dress on the bed." Penelope calls from the hall. "Or you could wear the dress pants."

Now the world is only cruel.

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