16. This could be our happily ever after

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Emily pov - Three months later

I don't think I've ever been more comfortable than I am now. Laying in a hotel bed in Italy, yes I made sure my mother wasn't there, with my wife's limbs tangled in mine. The weather was so warm that the balcony doors were open to let in a breeze.

She was cleared to fly three weeks ago. And her seizures have already dialled down massively. They're still there but easily controlled with the meds she got. So we decided to take a month off. Let's just say that neither of our bosses had anything against it considering what happened this winter.

Her figure moves to press her warm naked body to mold into mine. And even though it's already two pm, we're still in bed. Awake but not talking or doing anything. Not even a radio or the tv is on in the background. The cars and lives outside are the only sound.

The music from a restaurant. A band playing down the street. What feels like a party is playing in an apartment across from the hotel. Just everything and nothing at the same time.

Adding that to the feeling of our hearts beating against each other, every hitch of her breath as I trace my fingers and up and down her spine.

And when she opens her mouth to do more than let out a content breath, it almost makes my heart skip a beat. "I've been thinking." She starts. "Actually, I got to think a lot about it in that cave and..."

"Oh oh, no good conversation ever started that way." It was meant as a joke but with everything going on I'm always scared of what she might say next. That the military isn't letting her go, that the bleeding in her brain got worse or that they found a tumour. I'm constantly scared whenever I don't have her in my arms.

She prompts herself on her elbows above me. Looking at me with that nicely healed face of hers. Only red scars that'll fade soon enough.

"No, not like that." She laughs so adorably, smiling. And I smile back at her. But then her smile turns serious. "I wanna start our family."

"What?" My brain takes a few seconds to catch up to what I'm hearing.

"Kids, I wanna have kids."

"Maybe..." I mean we talked about it for when she'd come back. But with everything... I just thought that we would wait some more.

But she cuts me off. "No, Em, no maybes. I don't want to wait any longer." She looks down at my chest, her fingers circling nervously over my collarbone. "I've always know that something could happen that would take us away from each other permanently. And I wouldn't want... I don't ever want you to be alone."

I take her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me. "Nothing is happening to either of us." My thumbs brush up the tears that had started to fall.

"I just... I can't risk it and I don't want to wait anymore. Don't want any more time to consider it, I wanna do this... now. As soon as possible when we get back to the states."

"Okay, okay honey." I smile so much that my cheeks hurt. "We'll call to schedule a doctors appointment for when we get back so I can get checked up."

"No, I want to do it." Her outburst surprises me more than I thought. Always when we talked about it it was me carrying. "I mean, if no injuries are in the way, and as the seizures are getting easier. And according to Watson, the doctor at the compound, told me that they probably shouldn't." She smiles even more. "I asked him to make sure before the surgery, to check, make sure."

"Are you sure?" I ask as I brush some ruffled hair out of her face.

"A hundred precent." She pulls herself to lie completely on top of me, chest against chest, stomach against stomach, legs entirely entwined. "I realised something in that cave. Not seeing the sun, freezing and being hungry and hurt. And everyone's frustrated and painful screams." My heart only breaks at the mere mention and she sees it. She hasn't talked much about it, but I know it'll take time and we'll both cry. "Don't look at me like that, I'm here aren't I? But it made me realise that time is precious and I don't want to spend any more of it away from you."

"What are you saying?" I know she's trying to say something. But I can't let myself hope that I could be what I want it to be.

"You know I've always been torn between you and the military, well, not anymore. Because I chose you." She brings her lips closer to me to breath the last three words against my skin.

"I can't make you do that." Not matter how much I want her to.

"You're not. I'm making the choice myself." She cuts me off with such certainty. "I don't know, maybe I could be a teacher, or in the FBI. Or maybe I could take up writing and painting again."

I laugh. "You, a teacher. That'll be the day."

She laughs with me as she playfully hits my arm. "Hey, I'm being serious. I want to spend my every day with you. Kids, the house, work, everything. Just like in that picture I drew when I was a kid."

"If it's what you wish, I will comply," More than she'll ever know.

"It's what I wish, more than anything in the world." She smiles so lovingly as she hovers right above my mouth. Her breath travels down to my neck where her warm lips meet my skin in soft kisses.

"But you know we can't decide gender before right? So the painting might now be entirely correct." I joke and we both laugh again. All before I bring her back up to me. Her lips inches from mine again.

"When we get back to the states?"

"When we get back to the states, we'll do it together."

"Always and forever, together." She says before coming crashing down into me and every reason and logic disintegrate from my brain as she sinks into me.

Lieutenant and SSA (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now