17. Our ever after

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Narrative pov

In the upcoming ten years, their love story managed to flourish even more, becoming a testament to the power of love and resilience as their friends call it. They're not just partners in life but pillars of strength for each other. Together they navigated the challenges of Emily going back to Interpol before coming back to the BAU to run it. Y/n quitting the military to stay at home with their kids and begin a life of a famous author and military consult.

Raising their three children- eight year old Sara, six year old Oliver, and their youngest four year old Temperance- with boundless love and unwavering support.

Sara, with her mother's determination, had a heart of full dreams and a mind eager to learn.

Oliver, inheriting both his parents wit and charm, was a bundle of endless curiosity and laughter.

Temperance, the youngest of the trio, brought joy to their lives with her innocence and boundless energy.

And let's not forget their faithful companion, Sergio, who had been a constant presence, offering comfort with his gentle demeanour. And in time for their first kid to be born, Emily brought home a new addition to the household- a charming kitty they named Livvie, after their favourite character in Scandal.


Emily walks in through the front door, weary from all the paperwork at the office. Rolling her shoulders. The aroma of dinner wafts through the air, and she finds Y/n sitting in the living room, immersed in her writing.

"Hey love, though day?" Emily asks as she can see her wife's frustrated posture.

"You have no idea. But I'm making progress on this new book. How was your day?" She turns back with a smile before going back to her laptop.

"Same old, same old. You know how it is." Emily says as she walks around the couch to face her wife. Y/n barely has the time to protest when she takes the laptop off her wife's lap to pull her up. Pulling her up into her arms to hug her, pecking her own lips upon hers. "Missed you thought."

She chuckles. "Missed you too." She hugs her wife back, pulling her into a passionate kiss. But it doesn't get to evolve into something more as Oliver comes running in from the backyard, Temperance and Sara chasing him as they laugh.

Staying in her wife's arms, Y/n calls out for her children to be careful as they run around.

"I need to change, then we'll eat." Emily says, kissing her wife and the mother of her children again.

"Yes, I love you."

"Love you too." Another peck before she breaks free to head upstairs, Y/n hits her ass on the way before continuing to make sure the kids wash their hands and help set up the table.


Y/n sits at her desk, multitasking between editing a manuscript and reviewing a military op. She may have pulled out, but she was still a contracted consultant on it all.

The phone rings and she answers it with a lovesick smile. It's Emily on the other end.

"Hey, I'll be there in a few minutes so we can pick up the kids. You ready?" She can hear how Emily's just gotten in her car, heading out the parking lot at Quantico.

"I'm so sorry Em, I have a lot to do right now." Y/n looks at the stack of papers and list of unopened emails. "There's some consults I need to finish, answer a few emails and..."

Emily cuts her off. "Honey, it's fine. I'll see you when you get home." Y/n breathes out with love.

"Tell then all that I love them, oh, and that Sara's medicine is in left cabinet. And keep them out of our closet, I did the Christmas shopping yesterday." Emily had only this morning gotten gone from a four day case.

"Will do, see you soon."

"Sure." And then they hang up. Y/n continues to work when all she wants is to go home to her wife and spend time with both her and the kids. But she works instead, focusing on finishing up for the day.


Emily and Y/n sit in their car, driving towards the school to pick up the kids. They talk about their day , sharing anecdotes and laughter. Emily's hand resting on Y/n's thigh. They had the luxury of some time before needing to pick them up, so both their moods were up.

Y/n smirks as she says. "You won't believe what Tempe said today. She's got quite the sense of humour." Laughing.

Emily chuckles. "Takes after her mother, I suppose." She tightens her grip on her thigh. "Seriously, though. We're so lucky to have such amazing kids."

"A softly, we must be doing something right."

They pull up at the school, where Sara, Oliver, and Temperance come running towards their car, their faces lighting up as they see their parents.

"Mom, mama, you won't believe what I learns today!" Sara squeals as she jumps into the car.

"And I made this drawing in art class. Look!" Oliver says excitedly as he shows it to Emily in the front seat as Y/n buckles them all in in the backseat. Kissing Temperance cheek so that she chuckles cutely.

When pulling out of the lot they share a proud glance for their kids. Just like in that picture Y/n had drawn when she was a kid herself.


And so they lived happily ever after, free of the fear of losing each other. Well, for the most part. The seizures got under control, so did the workload, the house, the family's they once had only dreamed of. All into a simple happily ever after. For now.

The end
Really hope you liked i, because I did. And let's just ignore the whole waiting in the middle because I couldn't write in the ER. But I'm quite satisfied with how this turned out, for the most part.

Check out my other stories. I write a variety of different ones. Marvel, greys, bones, more criminal minds. Some DC in the making. And some mixed.

Word count:
Chapters - 23 435
Flashbacks - 28 316
Total - 51 751
Reading time : 2t 30m

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