5. "I'm sorry for your loss"

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Emily pov - A few days later

I sit across from our suspects friend in the interrogation room, trying to maintain my professional demeanour as I'm about to question her about her relationship with the suspect. The suspect who has disappeared mysterious, she is our only lead.

I'm fully aware of Hotch, Morgan and Reid on the other side of the black glass. Knowing that Garcia is on the line with them as well as looking at the footage of this room. And even though I've been with them for two years now I still feel strange. Watched. Observed.

"Agent Emily Prentiss." I introduce myself as I open up the file in front of me. Pretending to look over what I've already memorised.

The woman, Samara King, puts in a face I can't quite read. Sadness and... pity of some kind.

"Any relation to Lieutenant Prentiss? Air Force?" She asks and my face betrayed me at the mere mention of my wife from a strangers mouth.

Local case, could be a coincidence, I think to myself. But another voice answers, Y/n's voice.

There are no such thing as coincidences, and her voice is fine but tired. The words I've heard her say multiple times.

"Yes, she's my... uh... why?" I stammer out, not knowing what to do with myself. I'm usually the one to beat compartmentalise, to put my feelings aside. But this. This is the thing I can't separate.

"I'm sorry for your loss, agent Prentiss." She says, her voice and facial expression softening.

"What?" I ask, feeling a sinking feeling in my stomach. And I already know what's going on on the other side of that glass. My marriage is no longer a secret. And... I'm not thinking further.

"Even though my husband is home, i still watch those news. I'm so sorry." Samara continues, her gaze sympathetic. I didn't even know her husband was military.

My mind freezes for a moment, unable to process what she's saying. "Sorry, but what are you talking about?" I ask, feeling a sense of dread starting to creep it. The case thrown away all together in my head. My only weakness.

"Her plane, the Blue Shadow, it went down earlier this morning in what they're calling a training exercise," she says, lowering her gaze and I think my heart has stoped beating.

Without even thinking about it, I practically storm out of the room I'd even forgotten why I was in. I ignore the calls after me from Morgan as I almost run back to the conference room to find my phone.

An overwhelming sense of panic grip my chest, making it hard to breath. I fumble for my phone and dial the number for the base where she's stationed, hoping for some kind of clarification. Someone telling me she wasn't on it, or that she's fine and in the intermarry and will be gone sooner than planned. Something.

But there's no answer, just the sound of ringing. I even feel how people are watching me. Morgan is even in the room with me, looking at me in shock.

My heart pounding in my ears, I dial ARCECC, hoping that someone there can tell me what the hell is going on. After a few tense moments on hold, I'm transferred to a call with one of Y/n's supervisors.

"Mrs Prentiss?" The voice on the other end asks. Two hours. According to the women, the news about the plane was two hours ago. I don't even care to correct him on the title.

"Yes," I say, my voice shaking. "What's going by on? Is Y/n okay?" I knew there was something she hadn't told me. But she promised she'd be careful. Not that I don't know the risks. But we've dreamt of too much for this to be the end.

Lieutenant and SSA (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now