023. Im good at what i do

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Emily pov - November 18th, 2006

Nerves are are really building up and I so wish that Y/n could have come with me. But now, she hand to leave three hours before I even had to wake up.

No one barely acknowledges me as I enter the bullpen, but I don't focus in on them either. I take. A deep breath as I clutch my fingers into the cardboard of my box of things, taking the three stairs up to Agent Hotchners door.

I knock once. Try to put on a smile because this is what I want.

"Come in," a man's voice answers and I let myself in.

"Hi" I don't think I'm sounding any less nervous than I feel.


"Agent Hotchner?"

"Yes." His face shows a small hint of confusion.

"I'm Agent Emily Prentiss."

"How do you do?" The question is polite and not exactly what I was expecting. Then it looks like something clicks. "Oh, you're Ambassador Prentiss' daughter. I did security clearances for your mothers staff. It was one of my first commands. Yeah, I believe you were off it Brown at the time."

"Actually it was Yale." O shut up. "I've been in the Bureau almost ten years now."

"Don't tell me that. Has it been that long?"

"Apparently, sir. But I've worked mostly in the Midwest. St Louis, Chicago."

"Good." I can't help but start to fidget with the ring in my finger. "Are your parents well?"

"Yeah, yeah, they're great."

"Excellent." He says and I get the feeling that something is wrong. And then it comes, the thing that I wasn't expecting. "What can I do for you?"

Fuck. "Well, I guess I was hoping you could tell me where to put my stuff."

"I'm sorry?"

"I'm supposed to start here today at the BAU." I say with a smile as I pick up the papers from my little box. Be brave, take deep breaths, be confident , Y/n's voice echoes in my head. It helps.

He takes the file. "There's been a mistake." He barely glances over the papers.

"I don't think so, sir."

"There's definitely been a mistake." He says, looking at the papers again and I have to fight to keep my back straight as there is a knock on the door.

"Oh, excuse me. We're getting started." A blond says, not even looking at me.

"Thank you. I'll be right there." He answers her, then turns back to me. "I didn't approve this transfer, Agent Prentiss. I'm sorry for the confusion, but you've been misinformed." He hands me the file back as he heads out. "Excuse me. It's very good to see you again."

I try to say something as I quickly grab my box and head after him. But stop at the door as I see him meet up with another man. Agent Gideon. He looks back at me and I already know that it's me they're talking about.

Well this went great, didn't it?


I don't even know why but I'm on the brink of wanting to cry as I come into our house. Boxes still everywhere. I mean, I know why I want to cry, but I don't know why my body doesn't want to stop it.

"Welcome home honey, how'd it go?" Y/n asks ask she comes in from the study. Manoeuvring through the boxes. We really need to start unpacking seriously, who knew we had so much stuff?

"Great." I answer as I head into the living room, falling back into the couch.

"Oh no, wanna talk about it?" She asks, coming over to me as i so unattractively get out of my jacket. Maybe I should have gone with the dress pants instead of this skirt and shirt.

"No." I mutter, hiding my face underneath a pillow. I feel how she sits down next to me.

"Emily." Her voice is serious, like i was getting called to the principals office.

"Fine." I remove the pillow from my face and see her upside down. How the fuck can someone be so beautiful even upside down.

"Come here." She pats her lap and i scoot over to rest my head on her thighs. Second most comfortable pillow. "What happened?"

So I tell her exactly what happened. "I got there, transfer in my hand and my things with me. Then he tells me that he didn't approve of a transfer and he wouldn't even check anything." Okay because they apparently had a case but still. "And then he thought that I only got it because of my mother." I know he didn't specifically say that, but I know he must have thought it. The others as well.

Brushing some hair out of my face Y/n says. "Honey, you deserve that opening."

"Maybe not, I mean, what if it's true. What if I really got the job because of my mother." She grabs my chin almost forcefully turn it so that I look up into her loving face.

"We both know that's not true." Her thumb caresses over my bottom lip. "She hasn't interfered or shown any interest in your work life in over a decade."

"But..." I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to protest against but I know there's something.

"No, Emily, no. You deserve that opening and they will see that. Your new, they haven't had the chance to get to know you yet." She bends down and kisses me. I almost follow her up as she continues. "You just gotta be consistent."

"Please tell me what do to." How pathetic. I have to ask for help instead of figuring it out myself. But thats my life with Y/n. Together. Never alone in anything.

"You will go back in there and say 'Hey mr. Suit'." I laugh, but she puts her finger on my lips again. " 'I deserve that job not because of my mother but because I'm good at what I'd do. And you will see that if you give me a chance to show you'. "

I laugh a little again and she laughs with me. "I'm not calling Agent Hotchner Mr. Suit."

"Well, that's your call." And then she tickles me, making me curl together and laugh louder than before. When she stops, the smile on my lips doesn't go away.

"Thank you Y/n, you're the best."

She bends down and says "I know" before pressing her lips against mine again. We both laugh so it's not so much of a kiss anymore. Then she pulls away to say, "but you're welcome."

"I love you." And I think that for every day that passes I love her even more. If that's even possible. Soon I'll be a 110% made of the love I have for her.

"I love you too." She says and this time it's my time to pull her down. Grabbing her neck and rising up to meet her halfway. Pressing her lips against mine and I feel at home again.

I can do this. With her help I can do thing. Together. Never alone.

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