016. Bachelorette

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Emily pov - May 19th, 2001

It took quite a lot to convince them that we didn't want anything big. Especially not the bachelorette party. Then Laura and Nat came up with the best idea. To mash them together. Both mine and Y/n.

Even though a thing like a bachelorette and bachelor party are for celebrating the last days of being "free". But we've both though that we became free when we meet so it kinda not what we want to do.

"What do you think we will be forced to do?" Y/n asks from the passenger seat as we drive to Laura and her husbands house.

"I have no idea. But since not even me was forced to wear a dress, I don't think it's going to be something to grand."

"Oh I don't doubt it'll be grand. It's Laura and Natalie as his co-operated this."

"Hun, I know you'd rather spend our night at home. But it's your sister, she wants to do this for you. So enjoy it, while it lasts." I see a sorrow in her eyes. And I remember the images she'd told me about her brothers, the ones where they're not estranged from her as they are now.

"Fine, but only for you." I answer as I pull up on the driveway. She takes my hand in hers and presses her soft kiss against my knuckles.

But I wasn't wrong about them making it big. Though I had thought that we'd be fewer. There's a few of our friends, my mother and her father and grandmother, her team and people's spouses and partners.

We all drink wine while painting. And I love watching Y/n paint. It's one of the most satisfying and adoring thing to watch. How her brows furrow in concentration to each brushstroke, her eyes squint and the end result is always marvellous. And I'm not just saying that because I love her, but because they truly belong in a museum.

Then apparently we were all supposed to jump into the pool. And they'd bought us matching swimsuits in white. Typical. But we both looked great in them.

And even though I was hesitant at first, we actually have a great time. Even though I take notice in how Y/n is quiet for most of it. Her eyes as if she's in some far away land of dreams and fantasy.

"Hey." I say as I finally get away from our friends to sit down in her lap in one of the sun chairs. Her arms wrap around my waist as she drapes her blanket over me as well. Some cold night winds starting to drape by.

"Hi." She nuzzles her nose in the crook of my neck and I don't even try to muffle the groan escaping my lips. But I reluctantly pull away, having to ask.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, looking into her eyes. My arms wrapped around her neck. And I look into her gaze that's so deep with emotion that it's hard for me to read.

"Yes, everything is perfect." She looks at me with such love that I almost forget what I was thinking about.

"Are you sure? Because you've been pretty quiet, it's usually the other way around." I let out a low laugh and I wonder how it would be like if we could see how we look at each other.

"Yes, it couldn't be better. And wanna know why?"

"Why?" My curiosity pulls at me as she pulls me closer.

"Because in two days, you'll be my wife." Butterflies flutter all across my skin, since they're no longer contained to my stomach. "I'm enjoying seeing you so happy, enjoying this time with the people you love. I just find myself admiring whatever you do."

"I don't know what I'll do with myself if you keep saying things like that." Like pull her with me upstairs into the guest bedroom we'll be sleeping in tonight, and not see the others until breakfast.

Her next words are whispered into the skin above my shoulder. "And I'll consider myself blessed to be able to watch it. Until the end of time." Whatever leach was keeping me in check in front of the others, breaks.

I stand up and take her hand in mine. And I don't even care about the same arousal mirroring in her eyes as I pull her inside and upstairs. And somehow manage to avoid everyone else. Y/n giggles as I pull her after me, her hands trying to grab my waist to pull me against the wall.

Hopefully they won't try to look for us if they don't find us downstairs.

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