06. I need you

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Emily pov - October 12th, 1997

Tsia and Anna have been on my ass about this since that night at the bar. Which means, for our entire relationship. Because they know me, and know how much I love... this particular activity. They've asked so many times why we haven't had sex yet.

And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I suspect it's out of fear. But Y/n loves me, so I shouldn't be afraid. And at first it was okay to wait, but now I almost would feel awkward for taking it up. I mean, It's not the most important part of a relationship.

But... now I don't know how to bring it up. Do i? Or do i just kiss her and actually continue. But for ever time, she's pulled back in respect to not go further.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" Y/n asks and id almost forgotten where I was. We're sitting on the couch in my apartment, as she shares one with the others, and we want to be alone. She's looking at me, and not the movie in the screen.

"What? Oh, nothing special." I answer as my eyes flicker back to the screen I had zoomed out of.

"I can see the wheels spinning." Her whole body is now facing me and it's getting hard to ignore. We're so very close on the couch. So very close. "Tell me."

And as her own gaze glances again down between my eyes and my lips, I can't stop myself. I close the space between our faces and press my lips to hers, lifting to sit in her lap. I quickly yield at the touch of her tongue prying upon my mouth to slide inside. Ravishing as my hands go up to grab her hair, and her hands land on my hips.

But she pulls apart after awhile, and pushes some of my hair out of my face. My breath coming out in short breaths. My heart thundering in my rib cage.

"What was that for?" She asks as if she hadn't just had her tongue down my throat.

How do I say this? "Tsia and Anna were talking about... sex. And how we haven't and..." but she stops me as she places a finger on my lips. Wow, that was blunt.

"And that's okay Emily, we don't have to. We're taking to slow. You're worth the wait." Cheesy. But her gaze meets mine as I take a deep breath.

"That's just the thing. I don't want to wait anymore." Her gaze darkens as I somehow move closer to her, almost grinding on her lap.

"What are you saying?"

"I don't want to wait. To have sex, I mean." Wow, I really need to take a course on how to speak to people. This is way too... her eyes move around my face before looking deep into mine. Her lips hover right over mine, letting me feel her hot breath.

"If you are feeling forced because of your friends, I think we need to rethink those friendships." But it wasn't that. It's them pushing me to tell her that I don't want to wait. That I want her. "We can still take it slow."

"I don't want to take it slow anymore Y/n, I want you..." and I admit it out loud for the first time. "I need you."

"Tell me to stop if you change your mind."

"I won't." But she pulls back, looking at me seriously. "I will, but I won't need to because I want this. More than anything else in the world."

"In that case." She stands up, holding me in her arms. Her hands cupping my ass to hold me up. Without looking around, without letting go of my gaze, she carries me into the bedroom.

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