017. Wedding day

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Emily pov - March 21st, 2001

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Emily pov - March 21st, 2001

I can't stop clamming my hands at my sides as I stand upon the altar. And so the music starts into another melody, and the doors open again. And in comes Y/n, led by her father in uniform. And it's... it's just perfect.

And that dress

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And that dress. It's hugs perfectly, her every curve, her muscles. The sleeves, the matters, the bodice. Just everything about her is perfect. And her hair, cut to just above her shoulders, is partially braided back into a crown that lies atop her head. It was her grandmothers.

Her father hands her over to me at the altar and I swear that a tear slips down my own cheek as I look at her. Her own eyes watering as she smiles at me. I can barely believe this is truly happening.

"Dear friends and family of Y/n and Emily, we are gathered here today to celebrate the sacred union of these two beautiful and courageous women." The priest begins. "Marriage is a milestone in life, a promise to share all that life brings, the joys and the challengers, the laughter and the tears." A few sniffles are heard from the crowd. "We are here to commit to support them in this journey as their love and devotion to each other."

And then he gestures for me to begin. And I feel that's the words I had written on the paper that Laura is holding, isn't enough. So I say exactly what my heart is telling me. As I hold the ring upon her finger.

"Y/n, today I stand before you, humbled and deeply in love. You are the centre of my world, my rock, my everything. You make me a better person, and u am grateful for the person I've become since I met you.." I hold onto her hand as if I've afraid she's going to skip out of my grasp. "I promise to love and cherish you every day, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, even after that death does us apart. Because you are my soulmate, and I vow to always be your faithful and loving partner."

Even she lets out a small wet chuckle as she grasp my hands just as steadily, pushing the ring all the way down her finger. As if saying that this is real, that we are really here. And I feel as though my heart is about to explode.

Now it's her turn. As she puts the ring halfway down my finger and looks up into my face with such a bright smile that it looks like her cheeks hurt.

"Emily, as I stand here looking into your eyes, I see my present, my future, and my forever. I admit that it's a bit nervous." Another small chuckle that echoes through the crowd. "But you complete me in a way I never knew was possible, and being with you is the greatest joy of my life. I pledge to be the light in your darkest moments, the shoulder you lean on when you need support, and the best friends you've never had." More tears are streaming down my cheeks and I know that Laura will force me into the bathroom to fix it up before. "I promise to love you with all my heart, to honor and cherish you in every way, and to stand by your side until the end of time." And she pushes the ring upon my finger.

"By the authority vested in me by god and the holy church, I now pronounce you legally married. You may seal your union with a kiss." And she pulls me in before I can even react to the priests words. Her lips pressing onto mine like it's a bag of air in space. As if everything is right in the world.

By the time we pull apart people have started to rise to their feet. We turn towards the with large smiles on our faces and our hands intertwined as the priest presents us.

"Congratulation, Y/n and Emily, may your love continue to grow and flourish, now and forevermore."


We sway together to the soft music playing from the band. Other couples dancing around us as well. We've been dancing for hours and I don't ever want the night to end.

"Now it's my time to ask, everything okay?" She asks as she separates us far enough for her to be able to look into my face. "You haven't said much."

"I'm just trying to figure out if this is really happening or if it's all in my head." Her soft and manufactured hand tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"I promise you, it's all real." She kisses me softly. "But if this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up."

"Me either."

"I love you, wife." I feel my whole skin go up in flames, my cheeks staining red.

"I love you too, Mrs Prentiss."

"It's Lieutenant Prentiss to you." She smiles before pulling me closer again to connect our lips. Her nails digging into my back as i drape my arms over her shoulders.

Lieutenant and SSA (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now