4. I love my wife

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Y/n pov - Two weeks later

I sit down at the computer, a sense of excitement and longing spreading through me as I wait for the call to set up. The best time of the month. Unfortunately we only get to talk two times a month, sometimes even less. But then we write. Letters. So many letters that I barely have the time to answer them.

After a few seconds, Emily's face appears on the screen, and I can't help but smile at my wife's beautiful features. Even though I can't see them that clearly, I know them by heart.

"Hey gorgeous," Emily says, her voice warm and loving. But I can hear the tiredness beneath it all. I know how much this takes out of her, plus her job. But soon I'll be home and we can create our perfect dream life.

"Hey yourself." I reply, my heart beating fast at the mere sound of her voice. This is what i love, it doesn't end. My love for her.

We settle into a comfortable conversation. Emily telling me about the latest cases she's worked on with the BAU, while I update her on our training and assignments here on camp. We talk about upcoming wedding anniversary. It's still in a few months, but it's the first in two years that we'll spend together. Actually together.

Only two and a half months to go, it what the voice in my head keeps counting down from. Emily's voice.

As we chat, I can't help the feeling of being homesick spread in my stomach, wishing I could reach through the screen and hold her. Just for a minute and it'll all be better.

We laugh at the silly stories we share, including one about how my teammate, Shaw, accidentally spraying us all with water while filling up the barrels.

But as our video time together starts to come to a close, Emily's expression turns serious, and I can she's about to ask the question she always does.

"Are you putting yourself in any danger?" She asks, her voice laced with concern

I smile warmly at my wife, feeling the love and affection course through me. "It's no moaré da fourth than I would be at home," I reassure her, like I always do. Even though it isn't true. Because my latest assignment got my leg in a sprain. It's not that bad, it was just a wrong calculated landing. Then we have the other new scars from the assignments I'm not allowed to share with her, no matter how much I'd love to tell her. I know she worries, because I know that she knows that there are things I can't tell her.

"I trust you, my love." Emily says, her deep brown eyes filled with adoration.

My heart swells with emotion as Emily blows me a kiss and says, "I love you, goodbye."

"I love you too, good night," and as the call ends, I just sit there for a moment. The warmth of Emily's love still lingered in my heart.

And i admit that in the last few weeks I've been feeling homesick. And no matter how much I love deployment and being in the Air Force, even if I leave her home alone. I've come to realise that I'd rather be home with her. So this is truly the end. I'll rather take up a job at the BAU than be apart from her another deployment.

Maybe a desk job at the FBI, or at least in Quantico will do be good. Perfect for the start of our family.


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