04. Stay the night

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Emily pov - August 7th, 1997

My heart races with anticipation as Y/n and I settle onto the couch in my apartment, ready for our sixth date. It's movie night, which meant I had to stand at the multiplex and actually choose a movie to buy, a cozy setting for us to enjoy each other's company and deepen our connection. The scent of freshly cooked dinner lingers in the air, a testament to the effort I've put into making this evening special. Even though there smell of popcorn almost goes over it.

"I'm really starting to get into this movie. It's so good." Y/n says as I lay on her lap. I look up at her, only to find her already looking at me.

"Me too, it's one of my favourites." I answer with excitement.

"What's your favourite movie?"

"It's a classic romantic comedy." For some reason I don't feel telling her which one. "I love the genre."

"Oh, I love romantic comedies too. My all time favourite is Defending Your Life."

"Oh my gosh, I love Meryl Streep. That and Much Ado About Nothing are the two who practically share the first place on my favourites list." And I feel her eyes admiring me. As if i were a piece of art.

"I haven't seen that one."

"We'll have to watch it. Emma Thompson in that movie is perfect." Her eyes flicker to my lips again, but I don't give her any time to contemplate. I grab her neck and pull myself upwards as well as her down to me, pressing my lips to hers. Just letting it sink in for a few seconds before pulling apart.

"Now watch the movie, it's great." I say playfully and she laughs, even though we hadn't really pulled apart. But we do so nonetheless.

Hours pass by in the darkness, the flickering play of light from the TV casting a gente flow upon our faces. Laughter and whispered conversations fill the room as we lose ourselves in the movies storyline instead.

As the movie nears its conclusion, a pant of sadness tugs at my heart. It's late now, and Y/n should be heading home. And concern for her safety seizes me, prompting me to break the silence that had settled between us.

"You know," I begin softly, my voice tinged with worry and tiredness. "It's getting real late. You shouldn't be out on the road this late. There could be drunks on the road." Even though I know that she's not driving all the way back to base, it's still a good twenty minutes and who knows.

"What do you suggest I do then? Walk?" I think it's meant to be a joke, but I don't get it at first because I'm actually worried about her.

"You could stay here." I say it before I can think. "For the night I mean. It's better to drive in the morning, people probably drive more carefully in the morning than..." she puts a finger over my mouth to keep me from rambling.

She looks at me, her eyes filled with understanding and something more. Instead of protesting or insisting on leaving, she takes control of the position we're in as I've come to a sitting position. With a subtle smile, she leans closer, her lips meeting mine in a tender kiss. The sensation sends a jolt of desire coursing through my veins, sitting up intense emotions.

Feeling the inner conflict within me, Y/n pulls back slightly, her eyes searching mine. Not even a hint of that lust and darkness that would have coated a man's eyes. "Emily, we don't have to rush anything. We can take things as along as you need." She says, her voice filled with genuine concert and utmost respect.

Her words resonate deep within my being, melting away the uncertainty that I had clouding my thoughts. I take a deep breath, realising that the speed of this is entirely up to me. I'm just... not ready yet to give myself to her. No matter how much I do want to. I'm not even that experienced with women, not as much as she seems to be and she's younger. If this is going to work, I want to wait.

This is not like a relationship with a man, she does not just want sex and then walk away, a voice says in the back of my head and I realise my reasoning behind my doubts. But I just meet her eyes and nod.

"Thank you, Y/n." I whispers, filled with gratitude for... well, her. I don't know what I've done to deserve her in my life. Even if it's forever or only for a few weeks. I'll be considering myself lucky to have meet her.

With that , the mere idea of sex is gone and instead we both crawl up under the covers in my bed. Me in my blue satin pyjamas set, and her in sort of matching blue negligee. It was all I had. My apartment is always too hot for anything else.

But her arms wrap around me as she yawns, pulling me closer and up to her chest. The moonlight filters through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow upon our entables bodies.

In the comfort of my bed, I find solace and reassurance through the tenderness of touch and whispered conversation that's created between us. We lay there, content with it all, wrapped in each others arms, basking in the company.

As we both drift off into a peaceful slumber mid-sentence, I'm forever grateful for the nightmares that she keeps away. Not that she knows that, but I've got to thank her somehow. But for now, I only let myself enjoy the closeness and fall asleep.

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