12. "Hi Em"

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Emily pov - three days later

By now I'm just annoyed by how full the house is. I love my team and how much they care, but I was so used to having it for myself. Or at least a place for only two people. Not much for social gatherings either. But now, I just want that damned phone call telling me if I need to prepare a funeral or a welcome home party.

Rossi, Hotch, and JJ are in the kitchen again. Preparing something to eat for dinner. While Morgan, Reid and Penelope are sitting in the living room together again. But this time it's not filled with stories or encouragement. It's silent.

No small talk, no story telling, no questions and answers, no discussion over work or trivial. It's just quiet. Except for the scramble from Rossi's cooking. But it quickly becomes background noise.

It's almost scary. I may be annoyed by how full and loud it's been the last couple of weeks. But now... now that it's silent again I almost hate it. No, not almost. I do hate it.

I think back to laughing nights with Y/n. Nights we couldn't fall asleep because we were laughing. Or because she tickled me. And it was always the nights where one, or both, of us had to be up like really early. And we didn't fall asleep until right before morning.

That's when the signals echoes through the house. All our eyes transfers to the phone on the table in front of me. But I'm frozen. I can't answer it. I'm to scared. I'm to scared that they'll say that they haven't found them yet or that they found their bodies.

But someone answers it. "The Prentiss residence." Morgan says, holding it up to his ear. I hold my breath in anticipation. But I can't decipher his face as he talks to whoever is on the other end. "Aha, no, yes, maybe, she's here, yes, aha." He looks over his shoulders to the others who are coming over from the kitchen. Then at me.

Without a word he hands me the phone. I take it. Press it against my ear. And the strained breathing on the other side makes my whole body break out into a sob.

"Hi Em." Y/n whispers on the other side and tears are falling from my eyes. I don't even care or stop them, or stop Penelope as she takes my hand in hers, JJ coming up to lay a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"They won't let me fly out of here just yet, something about not wanting to risk making injuries worse." She sounds like she's just calling to tell me she'll be late for dinner. Not as if she's been missing and almost presumed dead for over a month. I hold my hand over my mouth to stop another sob, my whole body rocking in tears. "But I promise you that I'll be home faster than you know." It's like she takes a breath to contain a sob aswell. "Just know that I love you Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, my beautiful and wonderful wife, and don't think for one second that I'd ever break my promise of coming home to you. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Even though I wasn't sure I could feel anything other than relief. I laugh. I actually let out a laugh. Small, but it's a laugh.

"Honey?" She asks and I realise that I haven't said anything during this entire phone-call.

"I love you too Y/n." I breath our through tears and I feel how my whole teams gaze softens as they look at me.

"And don't you forget it." She laughs herself, but I can hear the pain hidden beneath. "I will be home soon and you can take care of me instead of these doctors," there's another laugh in the background from what I assume is one of the doctors. "But I'll call you as soon as I can, and often as I can."

"Do you promise?" My voice is so weak that I'm not entirely sure she could hear me.

"I promise." And she's never broken a promise. "Look, I have to go. But I'll call you when I can." There is another type of pain in her voice that i recognise all to well from cases.

"Yeah. I love you."

"I love you too." And we're forced to hang up. And I find them all looking at me.

"She's coming home." I whisper out into the air and I feel how I'm not the only one to let my whole body relax.

She's alive.

She's coming home.

My wife is alive.

My wife is coming home.

My Y/n is alive.

My Y/n is coming back.

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