021. Five years already

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Emily pov - May 21st, 2006

It's hard to believe that it's already been five years since Y/n and I stood before our loved ones and pledged our forever commitment. Time flies when you're deeply in love, and that's exactly what we are. To celebrate this special occasion, I planned a romantic evening for us. I want this night to be perfect, to show Y/n just how much she means to me.

As the sun sets, casting a warm golden glow over the city, I arrive home from work. Y/n is already waiting by the door, dressed in an elegant black dress that compliments her every curve, making my breath catch in my throat. With a smile, I lock eyes with her, unable to tear my gaze away from her stunning beauty.

"Hey, love," I say, my voice filled with affection. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary, darling ," she reply, her voice vibrating with warmth. "I can't believe it's been five years."

"Me neither. It feels like just yesterday we were walking down that aisle," I say, stepping closer and wrapping my arms around her waist. "You still take my breath away, Y/n."

The feeling of her body pressed against mine is comforting, loving, and ignites a fire deep within me. I reluctantly pull away, gesturing towards the bouquet of her favorite flowers nestled on the table behind me.

"I got these for you," I say, presenting the beautiful arrangement of vibrant colors. "Just a small token to show my love for you."

Y/n's eyes light up as she takes the flowers into her hands, bringing them to her nose to inhale their sweet perfume. "They're perfect, Emily. Thank you."

"You're welcome, my love," I reply, leaning in to place a tender kiss on her soft lips. "Are you ready for our anniversary dinner?"

"Yes, definitely," she respond, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

We venture out into the city, hand in hand, walking the familiar streets of DC. Our destination is a small and intimate restaurant tucked away in a cozy corner, a place where we've shared countless cherished memories. The place of our first date.

Inside, the ambiance is just right - dimly lit, soft music flowing through the air, creating an atmosphere perfect for this special occasion. We're seated at a quiet corner booth, and as the night progresses, I can't help but revel in Y/n's beauty, her contagious laughter, and the incredible connection we share.

We order our favorite dishes and engage in light-hearted conversation, reminiscing about our journey together. There's an undeniable electricity between us, an unspoken understanding of the love and passion we have for each other. Every touch, every glance, speaks volumes.

As we finish our meal, I can see the sparks flickering in Y/n's eyes, a silent invitation to take the celebration to another level. I catch her gaze, understanding her desires, and I don't need any more invitation than that.

With a sly smile, I produce a small gift box from my pocket, placing it gently in front of her. "I hope you like this, Y/n," I say, my voice laced with anticipation.

Curiosity written all over her face, she opens the box to reveal a delicate piece of lingerie, dark and lacy, tantalizingly beautiful.

"Oh, Emily," she exhale, their voice filled with desire. "It's stunning."

I can't help but blush at her reaction, but I'm overjoyed to see that same excitement as I feel in myself. "I wanted tonight to be extra special," I say, my voice low and husky. "And we still have the whole night ahead of us."

Without another word, we pay the bill and make our way back to our apartment and to our bedroom, the anticipation building with every step. The night, young and full of promise, awaits us.

Our bodies entwine, moving in a rhythm only we know. Our touches are gentle, yet fiery, igniting a passion that knows no bounds. Our hands explore, eager to rediscover the love we've cultivated over the years.

In the darkness, our whispers of love blend seamlessly. Our laughter echoes through the room, charged with desire and genuine bliss.

As the night stretches on, we surrender to the depths of our love, celebrating our bond in the most intimate of ways. Our moans of pleasure fill the room, merging with whispered confessions of love and promises for the future.

In the tranquil hours of dawn, as we lay wrapped in each other's arms, exhaustion blissfully overtakes us. And as I drift off to sleep, cradling Y/n tightly, I couldn't be more grateful for the past five years, and all the ones yet to come.

"Happy anniversary, my love," I whisper, my voice laced with contentment and infinite love.

"Happy fifth wedding anniversary, my Emily." And I love how she calls me hers. And the way she says my name. And just everything she does and says. It's perfect. It's... it's the indescribable love that's always in her eyes. Just everything.

I cannot think of anything that could ever make me this happy. I think that everyone deserves to have a Y/n in their lives. But this one, the Y/n in my arms, she mine. And only mine.

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