011. Wonderful morning

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Emily pov - November 9th, 1999

There is a sweet humming in the background of my dream. Not that I know what my dream is. Maybe someone's murmuring my name?

"Em." The voice becomes clearer, it is my name. But who. "Em." Something moves and the warmth on my chest disappears. "Emily, wake up."

I'm jerked away by a pinch on my shoulder and the blaring of my alarm brings me out of that dreamless dream. I shut it off before turning back, still sitting up.

"Okay, ow." I say with a smile as I look at the women beside me. "What was that for?"

"You forgot to turn your alarm off, but you didn't wake." Y/n feigns annoyance, then brings her face closer to mine so that I can feel her breathing as she continues. "It woke me, so I'm punishing you by waking up as well this gods damned early on our morning off."

Her fingers fidget with the strap of my shoulder. "I don't see how this is a punishment." A glint of mischief shines in her eyes as she looks up to my eyes again.

"Oh, it is." She brings her mouth down to hover over my neck, breathing. And I feel my own heart start racing, warmth dripping down my spine. "Because I'm doing this." And then she pulls away, getting out of bed. Leaving me with a ache between my legs as well as a cold wind from her throwing the covers off.

"Oh, come one." I say as she stand at the foot of the bed. In only panties and a lose fitting green T-shirt. But she's never looked hotter. "Babe, come back to bed and we can go back to sleep." Even though the sleep part is not on either of our minds. I can see it in her eyes.

"Nah, I'm awake now. I think I'm gonna go take a shower." She turns to head towards the bathroom, undressing as she walks to let me watch, but stops at the door. Turning back to me. "Darling, are you gonna join me?"

"If I ever say no to that question you're free to shot me." I answer and she laughs. I quickly scramble up and after her into the bathroom, the shower is already running with steaming water as i come in. I hear her deep sigh as she must have stepped under the water.

I undress and step into the shower behind her. The water running down her hot body, and her hair. As I wrap my arms around her stomach I hear another sigh escape her lips.

"I thought you said I was gonna be punished." I breath against her back, pressing myself into her back. Because showering with her is one of my favourite things to do.

"Oh you so are. I'm not gonna have sex with you." But she still leans back into my touch, leaning her head to the side to give me free reign of her neck.

"You're as addicted to my touch as I am to your body." Because I quite remember how much she's worshiped my body, as much as I've worshiped her.

"True." She laughs, but comes to her senses as she takes a step forward, away from me. I feign a scoff as she starts to wash herself. I watch as she shampoos her hair and rinses it off, her long legs swaying back and forth in the water.

"You're so lucky you have long hair." She says, turning to face me. Her fingers up to run through my hair. Her eyes admiring me, but still sort of keeps a distance. "I've always wanted to have long hair like yours."

"Thanks hun, but I'm thinking of cutting it." Because it's too much to keep track of. My raven hair that reaches down my back.

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