7. Offically pronouced missing

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Emily pov - A week later

I don't think she's left the house for more than the thirty minutes it takes to go to the nearby store and do a grocery run. I guess I should be grateful for Penelope, and I am, don't get me wrong. I'm just having a hard time focusing on anything else than Y/n right now.

We've spend a week where I'm telling her stories about Y/n, and her asking follow up questions. And I guess it's been a good distraction since it's been seven more days without any news. Not a single word about her.

"I'm making some sandwiches, want one?" Penelope asks from the kitchen behind me. I don't move from my spot on the couch, Sergio sitting in my lap once again.

"Sure," mostly it's been sandwiches and simple breakfast and lunch if the team isn't here. And they have been. All of them. And all of them have gotten to hear stories about her. About my wife. That I've kept a secret from them for two years. Tonight though, they are all coming over and Rossi is cooking his specialty.

"Lettuce, tomato, and ham okay?" She asks and my answer is purely automatic.

"No, she's allergic to tomato." And it's not until the words are said that I realise my answer. And if I had any tears left, they would fall. But I can't do anything but bury myself deeper in one of Y/n shirts. And if it weren't for them, I probably would have not even changed clothes, probably starved as well. But I've changed clothes, her clothes. Except for this hoodie. I've been wearing it since we got home.

Penelope comes up beside me on the couch, placing the plate before me.

"They'll call." She tries to say reassuring. But I don't even have the energy to say anything about it. And no matter how much respect I have for protocol, right now, I fucking hate it.

She takes up the album again, opening it in the page we'd closed it on. That picture from our first Christmas. We're in the kitchen, baking cookies because she was hungry. And we had a flour fight. It took so long to get it out of the floorboards. So hard that I'm pretty sure one could still find traces of it even a decade later. "Now, where were we."


I'd vaguely recall waking up as the others came into the house, but had kept asleep in the darkness of my mind on the couch. And they kept sort of quiet. Rossi making dinner, Reid reading a book in the armchair across from me, Morgan and JJ somewhere around, Penelope still at my side as i lean on her shoulder, and Hotch looking out over all of us from the kitchen.

But what forces me to be awakened is the ringing of a phone. Not just any phone I notice as someone answers it.

"The Prentiss residence, this is Aaron Hotchner speaking." It was the house phone. And I jerk up from my place to turn and look over at him. "Yes, she's here."

He gestures for me to come over and Sergio barely has time to jump off as I get up. Feeling everyone's eyes on me as I take the phone from his hand, my own almost shaking. But he stays close enough so that he'll probably hear the other side of the call as well.

"Hello?" My voice is weaker than I thought it was.

"Is this Emily Prentiss."

"This is she." I hold my breath as I prepare myself for the words the man will say.

"I'm commander Burton, I don't know if you remember me. We met on the summer ball a few years ago."

Lieutenant and SSA (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now