012. Marry me

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Emily pov - February 14th, 2000

The park atmosphere around us is perfect, not warm but not cold either. We're coming back from a valentine dinner date that Y/n had planned for weeks apparently. Nothing could be more perfect. And with her hand intertwined with mine - I realise something.

I want to listen to her tell me about her day for the rest of my life. Nothing more would make me happier than having her at my side.

Without thinking it through, I interrupt he mid-sentence of a story from her and her grandma. "Marry me."

Her words stop, as well as her steps. I turn to look at her, starring at me with confusion in her eyes. As if she'd imagined or thought she misheard. "What?" Her hands falls slack in mine.

"Marry me." And I mean to, with all my heart.

"You can't be serious." I know she fears marriage because of her parents. But I also know that she had wanted nothing more than a family and love of her own. We can prove her head wrong, because we share what others only dream of.

"I am, a 100%." Her gaze softens as I speak, and I take both her hands into mine to hold them. "Ever since the moment I saw you, when you came to us as knight in... well, military issued armour." She laughs as I see a tear escape her eye. "But I've known you've been the one since then. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to wake up next to, fall asleep in your arms, kiss everyday. I want to hear your laugh, hear you talk about your day, see you smile as you tell me a story. I want to worship your body for the rest of my life." Her cheeks flush and it has nothing to do with small cold wind tugging her hair I've the face. I tug it behind her ear with my hand, placing it on her cheek. "I want to marry you, will you marry me Y/n?"

It wasn't only her eyes that tears had begun to shine through, but my own as well. She's quiet as she looks at me, still trying to determine if I'm serious or not. My heart starts racing as the only sounds are the ones around us.

Her lips slowly breaks into a smile as she puts her hands on my cheeks. And then she kisses me, and it's like everything else around us fades away except for the two of us. Our lips meet in a soft, sweet kiss, and I feel a warmth spread through my body that I can't describe.

We break apart, but not to far, and I look into her eyes for an answer. "I love you." Her voice is weak and trembling as more tears fall down her cheeks. Then she nods as she says, "yes, yes, I'll marry you."

I let out a wet chuckle as she answers me. I lean back in, and kiss her again, even more passionately than before. Our lips move together as if they were made for each other, and we don't care that there are other people in the park. That people can see us, judge us.

As we pull away, I wipe away those happy tears off her cheeks as she smiles at me. That enchanting smile that fills my entire body with happiness for the past three years, and hopefully all the years to come.

Her hands snake down my arm as we begin to walk back to our apartment again. Her head leaning on my shoulder, that same smile on her lips as on mine.


As we come inside our apartment, she doesn't even let us take out jackets of as she pushes me up against the wall. Her hands snaked around my waist. Her lips pressed against mine as I taste every little thing about her.

My hands go to her shoulders to pull off her jacket, to try and remove as much clothing as I possibly can. Her own hands starting to do the same.

My breathing turns heavy but I don't care about breathing anymore. Not as she touches me, not as her hands snare around me, not as everything around us is turned into nothingness. To us.

As her lips trace their way down to my neck as i breathlessly say. "You know... I had this... this whole idea... making it big."

Her breath is hot against my skin. Her own breath not so... more steady than mine at least. "What changed your mind."

I bring her up to look into her burning eyes, all that love of our future. "Our conversation." She flicks her gaze over my face in question. "I want to hear that everyday."

She chuckles lightly as she pecks my lips again. "I love you, my sappy fiancé." The word sending endless vibrations throughout my body.

"I love you too, fiancé." And she leads me into our bedroom.

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