08. Anniversary trip

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Emily pov - June 1st to 23rd, 1998

I grab my backpack and toss it into the trunk of her car. It's packed with a couple changes of clothes, a toothbrush, and my camera. Adventure awaits for out one year anniversary. Tsia's first idea that we would recreate the night we meet at the bar, was quickly thrown into the trash. But my sister idea of a three weeks road trip, quickly became a favourite. And it's a good start, you know, to maybe living together.

I slide into the driver seat and look over to Y/n in the passengers seat. "Ready?" I ask her with a smile.

She nods and stuffs a pillow behind her back. "Let's go!"

We pull out of the parking lot and onto the freeway, the road stretching before us like a ribbon leading to our unknown destination. I can't help but grin with excitement as we speed away from Washington DC.

"So, where do you wanna go?" I question, glancing over at her.

"Anywhere," she replies with a shrug. And I know exactly what weight gets realised from her shoulders the further away from DC we get. "Maybe we just drive until we feel like stopping.

I nod in agreement and turn on the radio, flipping through the channels until we fine a good tune. As I drive, we munch on snacks and chat about whatever pops into our heads. We pass through small towns and vast expanses of countryside. And she even managed to do-drive with me just to steal a kiss.

Finally, we reach Charlottesville, still in Virginia sure, but it's not DC. We park the car and set out on foot, hand in hand, exploring the charming downtown area. We visit quant shops and snap photos of historic buildings. An aroma catches our attention and we follow it to a little restaurant, where we devour delicious food and chat with the locals.

After lunch, we hop back int th car and continue our journey through Shenandoah National Park. The panoramic views are breathtaking and we stop occasionally to take photos, both of each other and our surroundings, and stretch our legs.

The fresh mountain air feels invigorating and we relish in the freedom of the open road. For tonight we'll find somewhere to park and sleep in the car or maybe we'll splurge and find a motel. Either way, we'll continue tomorrow.


"Wow, this is amazing." I explain as we make our way into the Grand Ole Opry.

"I know, right." Y/n agrees as we link arms, completely awestruck.

We're given a tour of the place and we take in everything, we learn about the history of the Oort and it's significance in American music culture.

"Can you imagine performing on a stage like that?" I ask, looking out at the empty seats form the spot where countless country music legends have stood before.

"I can't even imagine!" She responds. "But I'm sure it would have been an absolute dream come true."

After our visit to the Grand Ole Opry, we explore the city further, checking out the vibrant nightlife and tasting some classic southern cuisine.

"This is easily some of the best food I've ever tasted." I say, devouring a piece of hot chicken.

"I can think of something else," a glint of darkness in her eyes on the other side of the table. My cheeks flush, but she just leans back with her hands on her stomach. " I don't tick I'll ever be able to eat anything else."

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