03. Wanna be your girlfriend

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Emily pov - August 1st, 1997

As Y/n's and I meander through the park near my apartment, the warm summer breeze tousles my raven hair, adding an extra layer of exhilaration to what has already been an incredible third date. I can't help but notice the way her eyes twinkle in the sunlight, a hint of mischief dancing within them. It's clear that the connection between us wasn't just something from that night. Like the fact that she saved us from those guys. The thought of exploring where it might lead fills me with both excitement and a touch of apprehension.

We find a cozy bench nestled beneath the shade of a sprawling oak tree, our ice cream cones held delicately in our hands. We're not even talking, but still it feels so good. The sweet scent of freaky mown grass mixed with the tantalising aroma of our, my chocolate and strawberry and her chocolate and vanilla, flavours hanging in the air.

I steal a quick glance around and catch a few lingering stares from passersby, their curiosity and judgement evident in their expressions. It's in this moment, amidst the whispers and judgment of others, that i feel the weight of uncertainty descend upon me. I want to be clear where we stand, so that I know it's going in the right direction, and worth the stares we get from walking hand in hand, and the kisses here and there.

Summoning up the courage to ask, I take a deep breath and turn to face Y/n. Breaking the silence.

"So, I've been thinking," I begin, my voice betraying just a hint of nervousness. "What exactly are we?" I say, trying to sound causal despite the butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach.

Her eyes meet mine, her gaze warm and reassuring. A gentle smile plus at the corners of her lips as she lean in slightly, her voice barely a whisper. "We can be whatever you want us to be."

Those words hang in the air, the possibility dancing before my eyes. But even though I see the opening, I hate making decisions. Especially those who affect a personal relationship. Especially this one, where it's becoming clearer that this woman sitting beside me holds the potential for something extraordinary.

A surge of confidence washes over me as I seize the opportunity to express my dream. "Well then," I say, my voice more Stewart than before. "I want us to be girlfriends."

A brilliant smile spreads across Y/n's face, her eyes shining with undeniable joy. The moment feels serendipitous, as if the starts have aligned to bring us together.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that." She replies, her voice filled with sincerity as she reach out to entwined her fingers with mine.

In that instant, a sense of tranquility settles upon us both. We've taken a step forward, oficial y embarking on this journey of love and discovery. With each passing moment, it grows strong, like the roots of that towering oak tree anchoring us to the world.

Walking hand in hand back to the apartment, a sense of lightness fills my heart. The knowledge that Y/n and I have defined our relationship brings a certain solace, allowing me to be able to embrace the endless possibilities of the future. Even if I try not to get ahead of myself, I can't help but imagine a picture forty years in the future.

"So, what do girlfriends normally do on their third date?" Y/n asks, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

A giggle, A GIGGLE, escapes my lips. "Well," I reply, my voice filled with playful anticipation. "I'm sure we can conjure up something incredibly fun and memorable."

As we share a knowing smile and continue on our path, I can't help but think that this is just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure with Y/n—a journey I'm grateful to be on, one scoop of ice cream at a time.

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