01. My savour

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Emily pov - June 2nd, 1997

Me and Tsia walk arm in arm into this new bar that only opened a few weeks ago. I almost feel bad for not wanting to go out with her, but to be honest, I'd rather be home sulking than watch her try and find me a date. Hookup, sure, a date, won't be finding that in a bar around here.

Maybe it's this whole thing that Tsia is 26 and already halfway to begin married to one of our other teammates. And I'm 27, halfway to nowhere in the dating area. Haven't got a while. And the female dating pool is too small to even risk anything here.

My eyes immediately adjust to the sun lighting. The air is thick with the scent of alcohol and the sound of chatter and laughter. The cozy ambiance is accented by the exposed brick walls and vintage decor, which complements the modern furnishing.

"Come one, let's go get a drink." Tsia pulls me with her towards the bar. And she doesn't just order us shots, but she opens a tap for us. As if we aren't bar hopping this time.

She puts one of the shots to my lips and I force myself to swallow it. The pure vodka burning in my throat. I've never been much of a drinker to begin with. Especially shots. But when out with Tsia. "You're gonna get us killed one night."

Because one of these nights, those shots are going to either be poised, drugged or simply not be real alcohol. But she just laughs it off as she passes me another one as she continues. I take one more before letting her take the rest of the shots, ordering myself a vodka tonic to sip on instead.

"See anyone you like so far?" She asks with a smile as she sees me people watching. But truly, everyone in here is so not my type.

"Honesty, no. Not a one." I turn back to face the bar instead, looking down at my already half empty class.

"Oh, what about her?" Tsia begins as usual.




"What about her?"


"That one?"


"You're not even looking Emily." She sighs as she also turns back the same way as me. "I was pointing at a pool table."

"I'll just have to embrace that I'll die alone. Sound pretty nice actually." It's a lie. Half a lie. I do like the lonesomeness of my apartment that we all pretend my mother isn't paying for.

"A beauty like you shouldn't be left to die alone." A man says from my right, and I look up to him. Tsia looking up behind me as well.

"Sorry, your not really her type." Tsia says before I can think of my own answer. I lightly kick her leg. I know how deep shit one can get into here if it's revealed that I'm a lesbian. These men. It's always them.

"Ouch, what a burn Killian." One of his friends says, coming up behind him to lean a arm on his shoulder. Two more come up next to them, letting out a laugh.

"Which means you all owe me a ten." The shortest one of them says from the furthest away. But even though we're not yelling over the music or chattering, I can still hear them clearly.

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