019. Day of love

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Emily pov - February 14th, 2005

I feel my whole body drained from todays training. Let's just say that we've gone from practicing on dolls to each other. And I swear that I'm gonna be waking up with a few new bruises.

Even before I open the door I notice somethings off. It's the rose petal hanging from the knob. But I unlock it and open it anyways.

And as I come in, im meet by a trail of petals on the floor. Leaning all the way from the door and into the kitchen. The whole apartment is dimmed darker while I see the candles set up on the dining table.

Everything is dressed in red. Paper hearts are cut out and are hanging on the walls and from the roof. Napkins, and wine, and even the table is dressed in red.

"What in the..." I begin to ask out loud but a pair of heels come walking out of the bedroom. And I turn around to ask, but as I see her my question disappears into thin air.

Y/n has her hair let out in lose waves. I've barely noticed how it's grown to fall to her shoulders. And dressed in black high heels, her long legs, and a short and - VERY - tight black dress. Sweetheart neckline and thin shoulder straps. I think my jaw drops. Literally.

"Is everything okay?" Her arms have been draped across her body, as if she's trying to crawl back into herself. And I realise that my staring and quiet had scared her.

"How come I got the hottest wife on the planet?" I smile as I look at her, see how her shoulders relax more, how her chest heaves even breaths. And she smiles back at me.

"Why don't you go in and change into the dress I've laid out for you and I will get the lasagne out of the oven." She comes closer to me, letting me watch her.

"I'm not sure I can do it alone." My words are out of my control. My brain has surrendered control to my heart.

She leans down and captures my lips, her hand holding so sweetly around my throat. And I feel like I'm going to faint.

"Go change, and then we can eat dinner." And then she passes me into the kitchen. I do as I'm told. Trying my best to not watch her walking from behind.

On our bed, a red dress is laid out. I put it on while trying to ignore the soft humming coming from the kitchen.

As I come out again, she stops in the middle of putting down the lasagna. Staring at me, then she smirks.

"I should pick out your clothes more often."

"I forgot I even owned this." I think I bought it when we attended Natalies wedding a few years ago.

"Come, let's eat."


When we are done eating, and talking about all things mundane. I find myself saying.

"You know you don't have to do this every year you know, we're married." I hadn't even remembered it was Valentine today. Honestly, I don't like to celebrate the holiday.

"I know. But why is that a reason not to celebrate the day of love?" She looks at me in that way that makes me go crazy.

"I know you love me, and i love you. I just don't see the significance of celebrating it big anymore." Even though I have nothing against seeing Y/n in dresses like that.

"So, you mean I just need to give you one single rose and you'll be happy?" She looks questioningly at me, but there is something more in her eyes.

"More than so." Just one rose can be romantic.

"Then you probably don't want my next surprise," she says so casually while she rises from her chair. Readying to take the dishes of the table. A innocent smile playing on her lips.

"What is it?"

"Never mind, you don't want to celebrate the day of love." She shrugs her shoulders as her back is turned towards me. Putting the dishes in the sink. "We can just watch a Hallmark movie instead."

She turns towards me, that smile still on her lips. "Come with me." She holds out her hand for me to take. And I do, holding onto her soft hand as she pulls me towards our bedroom.

As we come in, she lets go of my hand to stand in front of me. Her back still turned to me. She pulls down the zipper from the side of her dress, letting it slip down to the floor

Then she turns back to me. Showing me her in red lace matching underwear. They can so not be comfortable. But oh my...

"Still don't want to celebrate the day of love?" She asks seductively as she steps out of her heels towards me.

"I..." even after four years of marriage, and four years together before that, her body still stuns me into nothingness. I just go with it. Let her pull me in closer to let her hands pull down the zipper of my own dress. Letting it as well fall to the ground.

The soreness of earlier slips my mind, and the bruises that are in the making seems to slip with them.

"For the record, the bruises I will wake up with will not have come from you."

She pulls away slightly. "What?" Worry on her face instead.

"Never mind. Happy valentine my love." And I pull her into me. Her hands snake around my waist to pull me back, we turn around. She pushes me back to let me back onto our bed, then with a small laugh she crawls over upon me.

Then she kisses a trail down my jaw as her hands search my body. Then down my neck and I grip the covers hard. She presses hard kisses on every inch of my chest before continuing down.

Straddling me as she bends down again to kiss my lips with such passion I completely forget why I didn't want to celebrate this holiday. I, in fact, forget everything as soon as her body sets me on fire.

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