022. Our new house

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Emily pov - October 12th, 2006

As I come into our new house in Alexandria I stumble into a few of Y/n's boxes.

"Dammit." I say for myself as I'd hit my knee against a box full of books. Scrambling from the kitchen tells me that she's cooking. So that's where I head. "Why are there boxes right inside the door?"

She turns to me with a secretive smile. "Oh, hi honey. Happy birthday." She comes by and gives me a peck on the lips before continuing around the kitchen. Picking some things out of boxes and others from cabinets. I don't know what she's cooking but it smells delicious.

"Yeah, thanks. The boxes?"

"Right, they're the last from storage and your sister brought them over." She answers, not looking towards me. She's never been good with lying, if it's not connected to her work of course. Then she could be the leading player of lying. But to me, to her friends and family, she's a terrible liar.

"Laura was here?"

"Only for a few minutes to drop them off, I haven't gotten the time to move them."


"Because I've had other things to do."

"Like what?"


"Like what?"

"Like unpacking, working, cooking." But she still refuses to even look at me.

"Then why can't you look at me? Huh?" I say as she glances up, but only to my general area. "Consider it a birthday present to have my own wife look at me."

"I'm sorry honey, but I have to finish this. I can't let it burn." She gestures to whatever it is that she's making.

"Then I'll just go into our bedroom and change," I begin to talk and take a step towards the hall.

"No you can't." She exclaims. Another point to me.

"And why is that? Something I shouldn't know about." She finally looks at me, her face both in a happy and loving smile, but also some sort of sadness.

"You know what, fuck you." She says, her tone sharp even though she still smiling sheepishly. But walks over to me. And I think I'm frightened. "You just ruin it all."

"What are you talking about?" She places her hands on my cheeks and whatever fear I felt in my bones disappeared.

"It's your birthday. I want to celebrate it." She smiles even more as she looks at me. Actually looks at me and I hadn't even realised that what I'd thought I'd faked from her not looking at me, was actually real. Didn't even know how much it bothered me until she looked at me again. "It was meant to be a surprise. Dinner, and dessert." I feel the word dessert has another meaning than actual dessert.

"I'm turning 36, I've had enough birthdays celebrated big."

"I wasn't planning on anything big. Just, you know, dinner and... dessert."

"You're not gonna tell me what 'dessert' entails?"

She smiles smugly. "Nope, I'm not." I pull her in by her hips, keeping her body flush to mine. "Let's just say that it includes a uniform, a uniform, and a lot of pleasure."

"Oh, mama." I can already feel it down my spine. She nudges her nose against mine, breathing onto my skin. And then I realise what she'd said. "Wait, did you just swear?"

Her cheeks flush. "Maybe."

"Wow, I didn't think you had it in you. Wow, I mean, just... wow." I laugh and she hits my arm. "Don't get me wrong, it's hot. Like really hot, but I don't think it suits you love."

"So you think it's hot, but don't like it?"

"Oh, i love it." Hearing her swear was one of the hottest things I've ever heard. And unexpected as well. "Don't let your father ever hear me say that."

"I won't."

"Now how about that dinner and dessert." I ask and it's like she had forgotten it.

"The food." She panics and runs back into the kitchen. And I can't help but laugh at her as she does. Jumping over boxes and trying her best not to bump her legs into them.

I laugh as I admire her. My wife. My lovely and beautiful wife.

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