018. Our lovely Sergio

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Emily pov - July 29th, 2004

The quiet of our apartment is almost going to my head. But I don't know what or why that is. I mean, I'm alone in it so it would make sense.

I just feel like our future is growing closer and we're backing away. Which is exactly why I'm alone right now, because mine and Y/ns conversation about kids turned into her leaving. Not leaving me, but the apartment.

She had just looked like she'd gotten an idea, and said she's be back. And embarrassingly enough, I started crying.

The door opens and I quickly dry my cheeks but I don't move from the couch.

"You're back." My voice isn't as steady as I had hoped it would be.

The smile on her lips falters as she sees my face. "Are you okay?"

"No... yes...no." I can't even answer her question. Because u have no idea of what Gad happened.

"Wanna talk about it?"


"Can I get to talk about it?" She asks as she comes over to me, a sort of box in her hands. No, not a box, but a cage.

"Sure." I scoot over so that she can sit next to me instead. And I can't help but enjoy the comfort and warmth radiating from her body.

"Well, during our conversation earlier... you know, about kids." I just nod. "I got an idea. And don't take this the wrong way, because I want kids. I really do, just not right now." She'd said so similar things this morning. "I'm not the best at using words, so I came up with something else."

A soft meow comes out of the cage and she opens it. Picking up a black little kitten. Placing him in my lap and he immediately curls up into a ball against my stomach.

"We just have to give him a name. You know, something cool, and good."

"A cat? You got us a cat?

"You don't like it?"

"Y/n..." but I can't have anything against the ball of fur purring against me. "I love him."

"Good." She looks at me with such so much love that I'm almost envious. Of myself? "Until we're ready, we can have him."

I grip my hand around her neck and pull her in to kiss her. All without trying to move as little as possible.

"Now how about a name?"

"How about Angel or Spike." I ask, and she laughs.

"I know you love Buffy but we're not naming our cat after them." She pets him. "How about Gideon."

"No... what about Jack?"




And then it comes to me. "How about Sergio?"

"What does it mean?"

"Strong Soldier, in Mexican origin."

"Well then, Sergio." He stirs at his new name and looks up at us. "Welcome home."

Lieutenant and SSA (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now