015. Dresses and dresses

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A/n sorry not sorry for the previous chapter. Here are some more happy memories again instead.

Emily pov - March 29st, 2001

My whole body is tingling with nerves. My palms are sweating as i clam them at my sides. I just don't know how to feel at a moment like this. I never imagined what my wedding would be like as a kid. I didn't exactly have the time to picture pain my future at all. Only that id wish to find happiness.

But I stall have been standing here for hours. Being fitted and just silently agreeing to whatever Laura and Tsia are saying to the staff helping out. The bridesmaid dresses were the only thing we could agree on. Pretty simple since they match the theme.

Out of the eight dresses I've tried on so far, I've really only liked two

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Out of the eight dresses I've tried on so far, I've really only liked two. Or rather, THEY only liked two. I'm just not that much for dresses and both me and Y/n thought that we would have as little formal as we could. But no, or course our friends and family wouldn't accept that.

The first one was a classic a-line gown with a fitted bodice that flares out into a flowing skirt from the waist, providing a sleek and slimming silhouette. I think it was constructed with some luxurious satin and delicate lace. Full-lengthy sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, the waist adorned with a intricate embroidery.

The second one was a fitted mermaid dress that emphasises the curves of my body, which is making me extremely uncomfortable. The fitted bodice flares out dramatically below the hip, creating a mermaid-like shape. A deep neckline, low back with a sleek and sophisticated fabric.

I'm actually hating them both. Okay, the first one isn't that bad, but it feels so big. And the other, I feel to big in it. Feels too intrusive over my skin.

"How about a slit?" Laura suggests, but I know the words aren't meant for me.

"Or at least higher in the front, we don't want her to trip over the excess fabric." Tsia answers and I just want to sit down. Just want to fall back into bed this morning in her arms.

"Maybe a lower back."

"But it'll be May. Unless we're inside, then it could work."

"Could always check for a sort of fleece to wear to it if that becomes necessary."

"But that one has the veil."

"Are you okay dear?" At first I don't even realise that she's talking to me. The older woman is standing right in front of me, between me and the mirrors.

"Yes, I'm fine." Even though I'd pretty much like to get out of here. Tsia and Laura continue to talk and look over the dresses with the bridal consult who'd gotten assigned to us.

"Not much of a dress person, are you?" She extends me her hand to help me down from the platform. I accept and step down. Almost stepping on the fabric of the dress.

"Not really, but whatever makes them happy. I'll just be glad to marry my fiancé." I say, being careful not to mention that my fiancé is a woman. People here aren't very open about things. But I don't need the bridal shop to shut us out just because of my choice of bride.

"We have some nice pantsuits if you'd be interested."

"Thanks, but I don't think they'd let me wear anything but a dress." I laugh as u look back at my best friend and sister.

But the elder woman just smiles at me. "I think we can fix that. I won't let a blushing bride leave my shop unhappy." Shit, this must be the owner. Ophelia, if Ophelias bridal shop.

She winks at me before disappearing behind the racks of dresses.

"Emily, what do you think?" Tsia turns to me to ask, holding out another dress in front of me.

"I..." I begin but am immediately cut off.

"Cordelia, could you go help Olivia in the back." Ophelia comes back with another dress in her hand. But... wait, it's not really a dress. But a pantsuit, with legs as if it were a gown. So it'll feel like a pantsuit, but look like a dress.

"Sure," Cordelias voice seems to be anything but happy about being sent away from customers. But she leaves nonetheless.

"Why don't you try this one out, I think it'll fit perfectly." Ophelia says, holding it out to me.

"Wow, that dress is beautiful." "Truly stunning." Tsia and Laura say at the same time. Then they push me back into the changing room for me to change.

And I do, I put one leg in, then the others. And the arms. The material is soft and there's no buttons or chain, it just slips on nicely.

As I come out, Laura is in awe, Tsia has dropped her jaw, and Ophelia has a proud smile on her face. And I like it, the elastic band around my waist, the puffy sleeves, the dressy pants. It's almost comfy enough that one could fall asleep in it.

"I think we've found the perfect dress, haven't we?" Tsia pulls me up to the platform again to let me use the mirrors and see myself. "We could curl your hair, maybe a few flowers and braids. Oh, and your mothers tiara."

"Um, Tsia. Have you noticed that my dear sister is wearing a pantsuit?" Laura says and Tsia looks down, seeing the almost unnoticeable slit.

"I absolutely love it

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"I absolutely love it." I say and smile at Ophelia in the mirror. "And you can't take it back, you both said you loved it. And it's the only... dress I like."

"But Em... whatever, if you like it, then it's perfect." Tsia was about to say against , but stops once she saw how I admire myself in the mirror. This one is absolutely perfect.


"How about a toast?" Laura says, raising her champagne glass over the table towards us.

"Sure." Both me and Tsia raise our own to almost meet hers.

"To Emily and Y/n. To Emilys final choice of a wedding dress... pantsuit. And to us... who get to wear those amazing green braid maids dresses." I laugh at my sisters words as we clink our glasses and then takes a sip.

To me and Y/n. Who I am finally marrying in less than a month. In one month I will be walking down that aisle to marry the love of my life. In one month we will be flying to Fiji for our honeymoon. In one month will I get to call Y/n my wife.

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