Prologue: New Beginnings

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Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


In the middle of the night, I randomly woke up, checking my phone for any messages. One was a text from my aunt! She had texted to tell me she was here and to leave quietly.

Making sure to be quiet, I tiptoe and head to my closet, and opened the door, reached in and grabbed the three boxes of my belongings.

Making sure I got it all, and after checking to see that I was the only person in the house up, which I was, I sneak downstairs.

Opening the door slowly, making sure it wasn't creaking, I finally get out and speed walk to my Aunt's blue Toyota. 

I set the boxes in the car alongside me, and close the door. 

"Ready to go Skyler?" She says this while looking in the rear view mirror at me.

Nodding, "Yeah, that's all. I'm ready to leave this god awful city behind..." 

"Yeah, I agree... You want to chase your passions without having annoying people get in the way." She sighs. I know that Aunt already had those same problems as a kid my age.

She loved the paranormal, like I do, ever since age 15. And when her parents knew and found out, they let her down and wanted her to choose a different career path altogether.

Even if mom doesn't want to realize it, Aunt had hurt her feelings when she hadn't admitted the truth she was hiding from her since childhood, and last year when I said my passion for the paranormal to them during a family reunion, Aunt decided to come clean as well, and mom and dad said aunt's influence was bad for me.

Even when I said it wasn't her fault, I just happened to love it when I learned about otherworldly beings exist as well, they all laughed and said sure, not even taking my truth about aunt seriously...

Of course everyone shun me for it. My friends said nothing, and just skipped hanging out with me, anyone would of course. My parents had a different reflection on it.

Said if I couldn't get married to a normal guy one day, or give them any responses that seem to be deemed normal for once, or even choose a new path to follow like them. 

Too bad for them, I didn't want to.

Driving for what seemed an eternity later, she pulls up to a decent small and two story house, painted sky blue with seafoam ridges on the roof. 

The front yard seemed in perfect shape, lined with a white picket roof. While a small pinwheel, colored rainbow sat near the beautiful, neat bushes of roses and the stone path leading to the front door, making it look nice, yet quaint in many ways.

"C'mon, I'll help you unpack everything, dear..." With that we grabbed boxes and headed to the cleanly cut path. 


Unlocking the front door, the inside smelled of daisies. A strong smell of flowers always calmed me down. Setting the boxes in their respective rooms, I start by unpacking my bedroom stuff.

Opening the closet, I hang all of my clothes up individually on each of their respective hooks. With the clothes put up, I turn and put sheets on the already pre-installed bed with curtains around it. 

Now, all I had left was my very special necklace, the only thing I had from Aunt. She had given it to me the day I spilled my secret. 

With that done, I checked the kitchen for food, seeing as I was hungry, and after finding no food inside there, I spot a note on the fridge.

Hey Kiddo! I assume you'll need food and a car, so I left an extra car inside the garage. And I already put away your bathroom and office stuff, respectively in where they belong. 

I gotta get home to your uncle! Love you, call if you need anything else from me!



I smile. She really was the best relative ever. I see keys on the counter. Knowing that'd my list consisted of getting food, clothes and a few more office tools for my investigations later on, leaving me enough time to nap before doing so. 

And with that, backpack in hand, walking up the stairs. Going to my room, I open and close the door. Smiling and yawning loudly, I get to my bed, and before I sit down, I put my phone on the charger by the bed.

Having everything on the top being completed, I lay and close my eyes, getting ready to nap...

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