Chapter 33: To Be Loose With You

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Song Credits: Rachel Platten - Loose Ends

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"-You can't tie up your loose ends..."


(Seek's POV)

We were sitting on my couch, Light's arm around me. We were watching a movie until I get a phone call. I sigh out. "Hey, I'll be back soon, kay?"

She looks up at me. "Sure darling." I smile and walk into the other room to accept the call. I was surprised to see a hospital number on it.

I pick up. "Hello, can I help you?" A nurse answers, sounding concerned. "Hi, is this Skyelle's boyfriend? There has been an accident, and we need you to come by."

My eye widens. She couldn't be dead, right? I was starting to panic. "Sure, I'll come right away."

I leave through a portal, leaving my girlfriend on the couch. Skyelle's safety still mattered to me. 


I had to go in like this, but hopefully no-one would be against it. Yes, the doctors were shocked, but lead me to her room.

She looked so small there, cords attached to her arm. She also had scrapes all over her, and I felt like shit that I left her. Otherwise she'd be fine still.

I rush to her side, the nurse leaving us be. I place a hand on her scar, that I made when I lashed out. Snowflake was also there, sleeping in a dog bed.

She was injured, again, and it was all my fault. "Oh, Skyler, why'd I leave you? I should've believed you, you don't like anybody else, but now you love nobody."

I was crying, a hand attached to her scratched up hand. I read her clipboard, seeing that she had gotten into a car accident, probably while leaving.

Then I feel it. Life from her. She was in a coma, and probably for a long time now. I just wanted to see her smile again.

She coughs, and the heartrate machine bleeped some. She then looks up at me, whispering in a cracked voice.

"Seek? What're you doing here? I thought that maybe you'd move on from me

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"Seek? What're you doing here? I thought that maybe you'd move on from me. And I was right. I saw her Seek. You looked happier with her, than with me. I guess that you had another girl lined up after me..."

I hold her face, making the girl flinch. I let go, deciding on no physical touch right now. I sigh. "I... I know that you could never forgive me. But is it true? You don't like her?"

She scoffs, angrily glaring at me. "Why'd you think that? Huh? Not once did you think that I'd ever leave you? And now, I'm hurt because of your actions. I hate you Seek, and I mean it. You can't tie up your loose ends..."

I stand up, wiping my eye off. I was still crying. She never would take me back, not after all that I put her through. She looked heartbroken as I walk away, about to leave until-

"Wait, I know I shouldn't say this, but what about your girlfriend? Isn't she your top priority, and not me?" I walk back some.

My eye looks at her face. Skyelle was still in my mind, everyday since I left. It hurt seeing her again and in a weak state.

She sighs sadly. "I thought so. I'm just waiting for my time, I just don't deserve to live..." I had to leave before I did something that I'd regret.

I walk out, upset with how it went. And it was all my fault too...


Light wasn't happy that I left. However I won't tell her why. She pushed me up against the door, and we kiss. She groans out.

"Why can't we have a moment to ourselves hm? Still saving yourself for someone else?" I shake my head.

"No, I'm just not in the mood. Leave me for awhile. I just want rest..." She nods, leaving me alone. I sigh out, wishing that she was here.

Now she hated me. Then I get a text. I open it, not expecting her to text me after so long. 

"Hey, I was thinking about you again. I'm just scared of being hurt once more. Yet... I was eventually going to leave the town when I'm better. It's for the best."

My heart shattered at reading that. I was on the floor, clawing at the tile. She was going to move away soon. I had to do something to make her stay.

I can't lose my Inkrose forever...


Being in the hospital for months sucks. I was practically immobile for the rest of my life. My legs hurt like hell, and seeing him again made my heart do nervous flips.

However it was wrong to still love the one person that was the cause of my nightmares. I definitely had trauma now. 

And then Snowy wakes up, jumping into the bed. I snuggle my husky, worried for Screech's well-being. He probably was scared that I was gone.

Until I hear it. A familiar voice, voices? It was getting closer to my room. Then I see Screech crawl over to me, jumping on my bed, making me hug him.

"I missed you! Please don't leave me again, I was terrified." I sniffle, turning to see him again. He had some black roses, handing them over sheepishly.

I blush at the gesture. He really didn't have to do this.

However my feelings were resurfacing a bit by bit, making me conflicted on how I really felt about him. I take them, smelling them.

I place them on my dresser, and I start crying, making them both concerned for me. I apologize, and Seek takes my hands.

"Hey, you don't have to say sorry, okay? I should be the sorry one. Abandoning you in a horrible time was extremely stupid, huh?" He hugs me close, letting me cling onto him.

My dog and Screech leave us alone for a second, deciding to play with each other by the bathroom. My sniffling was still audible.

Then he places a gentle kiss on my head. I lean up against him, feeling heat bloom in my body. I close my eyes, feeling the phantom touch of pain.

I push him away, making him confused. "What happened?" I look up into his eye, seeing him look worried for me.

"I... I've had enough attention for one day, but thank you for the flowers, Seek. See you later." Then he does the unexpected.

He gets into the bed with me, surprising me. "What, what are you doing? I thought you needed to go home to her-"

He shushes me. "I missed you, let me have this. I'll make sure that you're going to get better quickly. Just please, don't leave me again."

Sighing as he gets comfortable with me, I turn onto my side. My eyes flap shut, hoping that I can leave as soon as possible. My feelings coming back wasn't a good thing.

I didn't want to grow attached to him, and not let myself be harmed again...

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