Chapter 8: A New Friend or Enemy?

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Song Credits: Ericovich - Enemies (EDM Cover)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


I wince and carefully put my hand onto the injury, trying to stop it from bleeding out even more.

First I was feeling burning in my chest, and then the lightheaded feeling came in.

'Maybe... Maybe I should just take a nap, I'm really not feeling really good right about now...'

And I pass out.


Dizziness and lightheaded was all I was experiencing right now.

I open an eye, not seeing anything there. I jolt up, and it felt like my side was cut open, and I lifted my t-shirt to see stitches going in and out of what was my injuries.

I cringe at the sight of them. I then wince when I draw my hand over them, then I take in the room I was in. I was sitting in a bed, bandages poking out of my clothing.

I get weirded out. I know I feel asleep on a couch, how and when did I get here? I look around, spotting a bowl of food on a table next to me.

I look around. 'Good, no-one else is here...'

I grab it up, and gulp it down, feeling much better, the soup making my headache go away. I carefully sit up more, trying to ignore my pain right now.

I hear the door knob jingling, making me nervous and do what anyone in these kind of situations would do.

Hide under the bed.

'I know usually people get found down here, but what other options do I have??!'

I see the door open, seeing two black feet walk in.

"Weird, where is she? I saw her and left her here before, maybe she left already?"

I knew that voice, but from where? Seemingly walking out again, the door closes, letting me slip out of my hiding spot.

I wince when I realized, during my panic to hide, I probably tore my stitches up. I breathe heavily, knowing passing out would help than moving around.

Whilst I was looking at the bed, contemplating if I should get sleep, or if it mattered more than escaping this hell-hole I was in right now.

However I didn't hear the door open, or not even noticing anyone came in. Or noticed the singular eye staring into my back.


I then feel like I was being watched, turning around slowly and jump at the sight of him. I nearly panic until I run to the other side, breathing heavily while my side burned

"What, what, why are you here? Here to finish me off, or, or kill me??!"

I manage to weakly say. "Or try to eat me like I'm your food?"

I felt really dizzy, and almost sit down with the amount of pain I was in. Slowly coming over, he still kept his distance from me. But then he grabs my hand, making me try to kick him, but instead I fall on accident into his arms.

He looks down, shocked that I fell on him, and stared into my eyes. However the proximity was making me embarrassed. I then see the pupil making up the eye, and it looked really surprised.

I then push up trying to get away, but accidentally and clumsily fall over my two feet, and fall again onto his bigger form. I squeak when my shirt brushes up a bit, making our skin touch each other, making me blush more and more.

However he's sits me up on the bed, embarrassment gone, soon replaced by anger.

"Don't you go touching me bud! I will, and definitely hurt you if you do anything, got it?"

His eye gets wider than my vision can go, but that doesn't stop me from going off on him. "And of course I didn't ask for this! I decided it would be a great chance for me, and I got blood everywhere, lost my only backpack with my stuff in it, and-"

I then get interrupted by the ink guy. "And I saved you from dying out there."

Hearing those words made me shut up quickly

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Hearing those words made me shut up quickly. I cringe at myself for doing and saying that. "Oh my gosh, I'm so, so, so sorry. I didn't know..."

I get an eye roll in response. "All humans are like that, that's why I hate them so much. You're just like them, you know... Heartless, and don't care about things like me. All you creatures do is look for my kind for entertainment."

'Ouch, that hurt. I'm not like that, sure I look for the paranormal, but I don't intend on hurting anything that I find.'

I get red on the face and start to feel like a shitty person for giving him the thoughts of me being a hurtful being, when I'm exactly the opposite of that. "Sorry, I don't mean to be. All I got was people being rude to me in my whole life."

All I got was a frustrated sigh out of him. "I love exploring and finding the paranormal things in this world, but no-one got it. My parents disapproved, my friends left me, called me a freak. My aunt is all I got, and I don't even have a lot anymore..."

I couldn't stop myself. I start crying. And It was the first time since coming here, that I cry any tears. There was pain all my body. But I kept on crying.

Crying for my parents, and my so called life with them. I cried for Aunt, who was a 5 hour trip away from me. I cried for all of those who had been harmed by awful humans that go exploring.

I still kept crying, trying to stop but once I get going, I can't stop for awhile. But that is until I get interrupted again.

"Okay, I get it, geez. You humans are always so emotional."

*Sigh* "I'll help you escape the hotel, but I expect something for later on from you in return for saving your life. But be careful still, you lost a lot of blood back there..."

"Ugh, we don't exactly have human blood here, so if you're dizzy, just sit down while I grab some more food for you..."

I sniffle. "For real? You're sure that you're not just helping me out of pity, are you? Look, why would I trust you? Because earlier, you, I don't know, TRIED TO KILL ME A FEW TIMES!"

He sighes. "Fine, but you did kind of intrude into my home..." He stands up, tall and towering over my smaller form. I shiver, terrified of the way he was looking right at me, like I was the pray and he was the hunter.

The one eye on his face made just as much emotion just like any human could with their two eyes. "But don't try anything with me, like before with that stupid crucifix on me. Got it, short stack?"

I snort, making him glare at me. "Fine, but at least tell me your name, so I'll stop calling you ink guy in my mind..."

Sighing, "Fine. It's Seek, and also that's offensive to me."

I stand up somewhat still in pain. I then smile a small smile, put my hand out, and say my response. "Skyelle. Nice to meet you."

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