Chapter 58: Everything We Have

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Song Credits: Rachel Platten - Astronauts

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"Cause I can't take away that you're mine. I'll be what you want when everything is gone..."


Morning light shines through the window, and I move some in the bed. An arm is wrapped around me, and I smile some as my beloved sleeps cuddled up with me.

My eyes look over at Shadow's crib, where her brother is sleeping with her, her tiny hand on his arm. The sight made me say an aww at it.

"What is it?" I realized that woke my beloved up. I point at the sight, and his eye looks with me. "They're so cute." I hum. "I'm proud of us."

Seek reaches out, grabbing me up. I squeal as he looks me over. "I'm proud of you. You were the one that had carried our baby for so long." I blush. Maybe I loved the attention he gave me everytime.

Soon our baby girl's babbling gets our attention, making us get up. He carefully holds me stable. "Careful love. You're still recovering from yesterday." I grimace.

"I need to use the restroom." Helping me walk, I bend down and sit on the toilet. My face scrunches in pain, and he asks, "Are you okay love?" My eyes shut. "It feels painful." His nuzzling makes me lean into his embrace.

"You're too good for me love." His answer is, "And you're my beloved. You feeling better?" I nod, and on wobbly legs I get up again. We walk slowly back, and I see my baby's arms moving around.

"Oh Shadow. Hi my baby." I hold her, carefully rocking her back and forth. Seek watches with love in his eye while I rock her. "Hmm, I think she wants you." He takes his daughter from me, and she opens her eyes.

I watch in adoration as they both bond. "She has my eye, I just realized she has both of ours." My eyes light up as she babbles to him. "Mmm-hmm, I know." I giggle. "She's trying to talk to you, it's adorable."

"She really is." Screech wakes up, going over to us. "Hi mom, hi dad. Oh, my sister's up?" We sit on the bed, and he carefully approaches us as not to scare his sister.

Eventually my stomach asks for food, and Seek gets up. "I'll make you some food if that's fine?" I hum. "Alright, here I'll take her." Handing me my daughter, I look down at her fondly.

"Hi my baby, aren't you just adorable?" She looks up at me, sucking on a thumb. Our baby sure has grown a lot in a few days. Probably because she was half demon.

I walk into the kitchen, and sit as he places a plate in front of me. "Thank you hon." He hums, kissing my head and takes her to eat a bottle.

Soon Farah and Figure visit us, and we all sit down. Farah looks at Shadow. "Aww, she looks like you guys a lot. Especially her eyes." I smile. "I know. She's a special one."


We were walking to the park together. Screech goes off to play with his friend, Alena, meanwhile her mom congratulates us on our new addition.

I thank her, and we watch as our kids play with each other. Soon we were getting home, until an inconvenience happens.

I glare, holding my baby girl close as he talks. "Oh, if it isn't the freaky couple. And it looks like you got busy too." Seek growls, hugging me close. "Leave me and my family alone human." Screech hides in my hair, giving a harsh look.

His eye darts to me. "Love, please go home. I'll handle this." My sad eyes watch as he makes a portal. We got through, and I turn to say, "What about?" He shakes his head.

Closing it off, I breathe heavily. Wanting my demon's comfort.


I growl as soon as she's safe. When they're safe. The disgusting male wanted to hurt my family, but I speak up, "I'm going to get rid of you now..." Eye glaring, I tackle him.

Chuckling. "I'm going to have fun killing you." The human squirms to get free, but I take us somewhere else, and use my claws to attack him.

Breathing heavily, I hide the body away, watching as my shadows consumed the sad life form. I make it home, and she runs over to me, Shadow still in her arms.

"Are- are you okay hon? Did that bastard hurt you? I swear-" Purring, I take hold of her hips. "No. But he's been... dealt with. I just want to hold you now."

Her beautiful face turns red. I kiss her all over. "Mmm?" Splitting from her face, I say. "You must be tired. Get some rest Inkrose. I'll take care of our baby."

"Seek? Thank you." Placing our child down, she babbles and holds her plush of me close. Her eyes close. She had made it for Shadow when she cried for us one night.

I hum, running a claw through her hair. "You are welcome my beloved. Sleep well." I get into the bed, cuddling my dear human close. 

I'd do anything and everything to protect my family.


(A few days ago)

Holding my baby girl in my arms, I hum a song that meant a lot to me. Her dazzling eyes slowly close, and I smile as her tiny hand clings onto mine.

She had waken up during the night, crying for comfort. I gently put her in her crib, continuing to hum. My slippered feet move me back to my bed, and my demon takes me into his arms, going to nuzzling me.

"Did she need attention again love?" I nod, sleepily yawning."There must be a way to keep her calm at night. We can't always be there."

His eye looks down at me. "Well if anyone can fix that, it would be my smart girl, right?" My cheeks flush. "Yeah." 

After getting enough sleep, I start with my work. Soon I make a plush version of her father, placing it into her crib. Her tiny claws subconsciously grab onto it, making me smile.

And now seeing that she loved it so dearly, it felt right that she had one of us close to her when we weren't able to be.

Seek obviously noticed, blushing dark gray whenever he saw a plush of him comforting her. His arms wrap around me. I place my hand on his arm. Humming, "I love what you made for Shadow. You're really creative. Besides, I didn't know that you could sew." 

My blue eyes look up at my beloved. "I could always make you something if you want." It was Seek's turn to get flustered. "I-I mean, I wouldn't be against that." 

I giggle. I already knew what to make my beloved demon next...

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