Chapter 48: We're Having a Baby?!

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Song Credits: Honeyfox, lost., Pop Mage - I'm Yours

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"-But I won't hesitate no more, no more. It cannot wait, I'm yours..."


Diana came back a few minutes later. She was holding a piece of paper, with a few images of the small blob that was known as my unborn child that was on the screen.

"Alright, I've gotten the images, but you might not be able to see much of it. And I figured that you might want a note for any questions that you might have..."

I nod, standing up shortly from the chair. I take it from her, letting her continue. "-So it might be a few more weeks until you need to have another checkup. But I guess that you already know that."

"Yeah, it was unexpected to find out. Especially when me and my boyfriend were wanting kids for a long time now. However I'm unsure about having a baby right now..."

She nods, "Of course. It is a stressful topic to have with your partner. If you two decide and talk about it, by next time you can choose what you guys want to do."

My eyes trail down at my stomach. I wasn't sure how that talk would go tonight...


I carefully get out of my car, a hand on my flat chest. I just got back from my checkup with Diana, and had to talk to Seek about it.

Opening the front door, I see him on the couch, petting Snowflake on her head. My smile is big, seeing him treat her like his daughter made my heart warm and fuzzy.

I cough, catching his attention. Seek looks up, smiling and coming over to me. "Hey, how did the appointment go?" My eyes drift to his. I had a certain look on my face 

"I... I need to talk to you. It's important..." His eye looks worried. He shrugs. "Sure. What is it?" We walk into the next room over, the kitchen.

Leaning against the wall, I wrap my arms around my upper chest. I sigh, looking up at him. I wanted to get it out right now. "I'm... Pregnant."

He looks shocked. "What?" Seek then walks over to me, claws carefully reaching towards my flat stomach, looking as if he's seeing his unborn child right in front of him.

I take his hand, softly placing it on my chest. His eye looks right at my face. I could tell that he was going to start crying.

Seek whispers, "That's gonna be our child. I'm so happy." I tear up. "Please, don't start crying, or I'll cry too..."

We hug closely, and he holds me in his arms. My face was against his chest, and we sit there, holding each other.

My decision was made. I was having the child that Seek wanted so badly...


Farah squeals, hugging me. I let out an oof, and Seek was watching us, a smile on his face. I told my friend that I was pregnant, and she said how happy she was for us.

"What gender is it?" I answer, "We don't know yet, I just found out yesterday. But we're hoping for a girl." My smile was obvious.

We've been looking for baby things lately, and I was having another appointment soon. Seek wanted to go with me, to see his unborn child with me.

I ask Farah to see if she could babysit again, and she agrees to while we were going to be gone. Knowing that I had a great friend like her, made me feel extremely grateful.


Before going that next day, I call my aunt. She picks up on the video call. We talk about how's everything been. Surprisingly my parents asked about me.

"They've been thinking about they treated you before, and your mother even started reconciling with me. It was definitely a surprise seeing them change. Like the visit made them appreciate having you..."

I smile, and tell her. "Well, I found out that I'm pregnant. And wanted to tell you right away." Aunt looks happy for me. 

"Oh my gosh, congratulations you two! I'm so happy for you. You really are growing up from that little girl you used to be..." I wanted to hug her right now.

Tears do eventually come out, and my boyfriend hugs me close. This was a big step towards our future. Maybe someday we'll even get married. But for now, I was taking it step by step. However I was happier than ever. 


We make it to the checkup. I sit in the same chair from last time. Seek sits by me, holding my hand in his. This time the baby was slightly easier to see.

Diana walks in. "Hi! You ready to see the baby now?" I nod, smiling at her with my boyfriend still holding my hand. Our hands were still connected as she sets everything up.

Soon I get situated, and watch in awe as it appears on the screen. I turn to see my boyfriend looking with love and adoration in his eye. 

That was our baby. 

Seeing it made it feel real. My blue eyes light up as I see the baby sitting still in my stomach. It was definitely still really small, but soon it would be in my arms.

His hand touches my stomach, and I swore that it's heart rate sped up some at feeling it's father's hand near it.

The nurse leave us alone as we were busy adoring it. 

"Hi, I'm your dad. And I can't wait to see you..." Him talking to my child was absolutely hilarious, like they were listening to his words.

And maybe they were...


That night was quiet. Seek was still out, making me wonder about what he was doing. It's been a few weeks later since we've found out about me carrying the baby.

My parents were told as well, and my mom looked to be in almost tears. She hugged me close as I let her. We were in tears by the end of the visit.

My dad was also tearing up at hearing and seeing his daughter growing up. It was definitely something I had never expected from them.

Seek was there, and they let him into the shared hug. "You're part of this family now. And we'd want nothing less..." I swear that made him feel wanted here.

As I told my family, Seek told his as well. His parents were congratulating us when we broke the great news to them. I could tell his mom wanted a grandchild for awhile now.

My dreams were filled with my baby being spoiled by both of their grandparents. And even little Screech was the older brother of them.

Speaking of, he was ecstatic about hearing that he was getting a younger sibling. The day we told him, was the day where I adopted him.

His tear filled eyes were happy about getting a mom and dad that loved him eternally. We hugged on the couch, and Seek had that particular look in his eye. 

Like he was planning something big... 

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