Chapter 52: Your Love Takes Me Higher

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Song Credits: RetroVision - Take Me Higher

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Skyelle and Seek break the news that they are currently engaged to his family. A familiar face reappears, catching them off guard.

And then Seek has a mission, to rekindle his old friendship with his ex best friend. But can it be mended?


That next morning, I wake up covered in a blanket. I smile as I think of Seek tucking me in last night. He really was wonderful to me.

Speaking of I see him walk in, holding breakfast. I sit up, smiling as he sits the food in my lap, placing a kiss on my head.

He sits by me, clawed hand now on my stomach. "Hmm, they feel more lively. Hopefully we can see them soon. I can't wait to be a dad." I eat my food, saying jokingly,

"Yeah, this is a pain having someone kick your organs like a punching bag. My body can't take no more." My face squints up some, eyes looking defeated.

I almost die at seeing the amused face he was giving me, his damn eye teasing me. "Mmm-hmm, but you might want another one later on, am I right?" I blush. He wasn't completely wrong...


(Seek's POV)

Skyelle's stomach was growing more constantly everyday, and the fact that I made her pregnant in the first place, made me feel even more horny.

Maybe it's because it was going to be my child, or the fact that a demon like me did it with her. 

She snores away, cutely clinging onto my arm. I feel her heartbeat beating softly. I hug her close, feeling the kicks happen again.

I sigh happily, in love with my cute little family. "You are going to be our baby, the one we wanted for so long. We can't wait to hold you, and love you as our child."

My whispers were quiet as my fiance was sleeping right by me. She was going to be my wife, not anyone else's. I was going to make sure that everyone knew who she belongs to.


Eventually she wakes up, yawning while looking sleepily up at me. "Hi Seeky, I slept well. You make an cuddle partner for me, you know that?"

My claws swipe her hair behind her ear, her face turning a lovely shade of red. "Mhm, you are my everything my little Inkrose. I still can't believe that you're mine~"

Placing her back against the couch, we kiss, and her leg was around my hip, bringing me closer. "Mhmmm, Seek, you are wonderful-!" Her beautiful eyes look into mine.

Panting, I growl quietly as I grab her hips. Splitting, I say to her in her neck, biting it some. "Mine." She whimpers. "Yours..." Licking the mark, she lies against my arms, moving around in pleasure. My eye watching her in glee.


Skyelle had a hand on her stomach as we leave my house. Entities around us were shocked seeing me with a human, especially the one they were hunting awhile ago.

She hums, eyes contently closed, leaning against my side. "Hmm, what are we going to tell your parents about our engagement?"

I answer, hugging her close. "I'll do the talking babe." We bump into someone that I dreaded seeing again.

"Oh, it's you two-" I growl, grabbing Skyler close. She in turn looks surprised, and turns angry.


Light sees my stomach, eyes surprised as she looks back at us. Seek was pissed that she was here, in front of us again.


"-Leave us alone. We were doing fine without you being around." Walking around the stunned entity, I hug his side as we stop further up.

"Hey, are you going to be okay? I don't need the baby turning into a tiny version of you, okay?" I sigh. "Yeah, yeah. Always worrying about me."

Seek's eye softens at me. "Worry about you? Why wouldn't I?" My eyes look away. "-I just hate it whenever someone asks, 'Hey are you okay?', even if I'm not, is all."

Grabbing me up, he carries me. "Thanks for worrying about me though Seek." He mumbles. "You're welcome Inkrose."

Seek stops at their door again. Knocking, his mom answers. "Hey mom, we've got something to tell you guys." 


(Seek's POV)

I was of course worried. Seeing her again, after so long makes you worry about your girlfriend and future wife. My parents were astonished that we were getting married.

Mom hugs Skyelle close, tears still spilling. Of course Skyelle hugs her back, and I join them. "I'm so proud of you two. If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask us."

We nod, and I say my goodbye to them. Skyelle waving bye as well. However I had one more thing to do. Fix my friendship with Figure.

We were best friends since forever, and him getting angry was gut wrenching. Friends should be supportive of each other, and yet he hated that I picked to stay with Skyelle.


Seek sighs. We arrive at the library, the same place where he saved me at. Months ago. And his old friend lived here.

He wanted to mend their broken relationship, but I knew it might never happen. The guy tried to kill me multiple times!

At least we were together now. Memories of before wanted back so desperately. My brain was still fuzzy, but he said that he saved me here before, prior to my amnesia.

I whisper, concerned for the father of my child. "Seek? Are you going to be fine? I know you want to apologize, but what if he doesn't listen? Then what?"

His clawed hand takes mine, me squeezing them reassuringly. His eye looked so sad. "We were really good friends, best friends even. Grew up together here, and I was so lonely for so long..." 

Leaning up on my toes, I kiss his cheek. "Hey, I promise that he can't be mad at you forever. Like remember how mad I was at Farah for? Then we made up. You can make up. Trust in me." 

Seek's eye looks at me affectionately. Claws carefully holding my face. "What did I do to deserve a wonderful partner like you?" My eyes said it all.  


It fate for us to meet each other, save each other, be there for the other, and most importantly; love each other.

Fate determines if their friendship can be saved or not. And I say fate was on his side. Just like us, it can be saved. Just by being together.

And together we open the two large doors to Room 50...

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