Chapters 7-8 (Seek's POV)

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Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Chapters 7 and 8, but in Seek's POV.


I was still frustrated after losing the human that escaped my hold. I was walking around, and found myself in front of the library.

My best friend Figure was probably not doing much, except looking (ha, as if!) for the next human intruder in his library.

I open the doors, not expecting anything to have changed, until I see...

Figure was huffing angrily at the exit doors, and I wondered what exactly he seems so unhinged for. But knowing it was best to let him be, I step my way over to the doors.

I watch as he goes away, and decide to open the (now unlocked) exit.  My eye widens at the trail of blood, and then is see the source of it.

The human that got away from me, was bleeding excessively out and it looked kind of painful.

I shake my head. 'No way am I actually feeling something for this human, am I?' I turn to leave, but feeling something... Strange deep down, I choose to help her.

I pick up the human effortlessly, and decide to find a room to rest her in as I get bandages to stop the bleeding. 

I didn't expect myself to help a human, especially one so small, and sassy, but it seemed like destiny.

However I wouldn't let her see me in a weak state, just for her. And I knew that she had found the notes that I left for people, as I felt a sort of pity for those that couldn't figure anything out for themselves.

But it seems that this one knew what she was doing, and acted like she had done this sort of stuff before. I open a door, setting the injured human down as I search for bandages to use.

I huff some as I struggle to open a drawer, spotting what I needed inside. I turn to her when she looked like she had moved some.

I felt some sort of weird impression inside of me, like I had done this multiple times already.

Like some sort of deja vu, or something...

'But we'd just met each other, how would I know her?' Attempting my best to forget about it, I turn dark gray when I realize something.

I had to lift her shirt to access the injuries. Swallowing my embarrassment down as best as I can, I narrow in on the huge cut running on her ribs.

Bandages in hand, I also take a needle, sewing the torn skin back together. I then set it aside and wrap her side a few times over.

Putting her shirt back over her chest, I sigh out when she doesn't wake up. Yet I knew that she'd need something to eat later on when she does.


She was gone. I swore that I had left her here last time I was in here.

 I sigh out, "Weird, where is she? I saw her and left her here before, maybe she left already?" I take notice of the empty bowl I set on a dresser.

Meaning she had eaten it earlier. I decided to leave and forget about it, until I hear something moving around in the room.

My eye narrows, and I open the door, seeing the human looking at the bed. And all my hard work was ruined too.

Then she turns, freaking out at my appearance. "What, what, why are you here? Here to finish me off, or, or kill me??!" She backs up against the wall.

She uses her hands to try and fight me as I come closer slowly to her. 

"Or try to eat me like I'm your food?"

I finally reach a hand around her arm, making her try to kick at me. Then she trips, landing on me. Ours eyes make awkward contact. And my feelings for her were acting up.

I sit her on the bed, not expecting her to yell at me.

"Don't you go touching me bud! I will, and definitely hurt you if you do anything, got it?" She looks angry that I dare to touch her.

I zone out as she keeps going off on me. "And of course I didn't ask for this! I decided it would be a great chance for me, and I got blood everywhere, lost my only backpack with my stuff in it, and-"

I interrupt her mid-rant.  "And I saved you from dying out there."

She looks shocked, apologizing for how she yelled at me. Yet I knew how her kind was. Unforgivable.

"All humans are like that, that's why I hate them so much. You're just like them, you know... Heartless, and don't care about things like me. All you creatures do is look for my kind for entertainment." 

I spit out the cold, hard truth. And next thing I know is, she starts crying. It was going forever, so I choose to stop her again.

Covering my non visible ears, I groan out in frustration. 

"Okay, I get it, geez. You humans are always so emotional." 

I continue what I was saying, trying to get it across clearly.

*Sigh* "I'll help you escape the hotel, but I expect something for later on from you in return for saving your life. But be careful still, you lost a lot of blood back there..."

"Ugh, we don't exactly have human blood here, so if you're dizzy, just sit down while I grab some more food for you..."

She looks bewildered, dismissing it as a joke of some sort. Oh please, not even I would pull that.

'And yet she intrudes my home...'

I stand menacingly over her. The gulping was visible, making me smirk to myself, knowing that I was intimidating to the small human.

"But don't try anything with me, like before with that stupid crucifix on me. Got it, short stack?"

She snorts, making me glare at her. Then she admits that she doesn't know my name, and was silently calling me 'ink guy', which if you ask me, was pretty offensive.

 "Fine. It's Seek, and also that's offensive to me."

She smiles for the first time, and deep down I felt special to see that smile. She then sticks out her hand, telling me her name in return.

"Skyelle. Nice to meet you."

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