Chapter 15: Breathe Me Back to Life (Light Smut)

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Song Credits: Stonebank - Breathe Me Back to Life

Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

(This'll be light smut, so if you're not comfortable reading it, you can skip the chapter. And the next one is actually smut. Again, not comfortable, just skip it.)


It turns out that my healing process would take a while. We had a while until I was better to start our journey once more.

I was tired of all of the inconveniences that made us stop. But at least now I had two people that cared about my safety.

Apparently, Screech was worried about my well-being as well, checking in on how I was faring. I knew that Seek didn't want anyone to interfere with us, but it was sweet that the smaller entity cared about me too.

I felt like they were related or something. They acted and argued like brothers did, although I never had any siblings, I knew that they were like brothers in a way.

But when I asked him, Seek said, "I don't have any siblings, I'm an only child. If my parents had any other kids, I would've knew about it."

Unfortunately that didn't stop me from calling them brothers. From how they look, they didn't have any similar attributes, but the connection was there, even if only I saw it.

About my injuries, Seek was being an amazing partner to me. Making sure that I ate food daily, making my spot comfy and even cuddling with me, minding my hurt spot with his hands.

I never knew what relationships were all about back then. But now I'm glad that we were a couple. He definitely was better than any human guy that I had met in my life.

And the best part of him was that he'd love me unconditionally forever, yet something about him was that he'd get apologetic every night since then.

I knew that he had blamed himself for leaving me and letting me get hurt, but I told him it wasn't his fault that it happened.

But he kept beating himself up over it, making my heart break at his clear distress about it.

I hug him close, putting my hands on his side, holding him next to my body.

I hug him close, putting my hands on his side, holding him next to my body

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"Hey, it's not your fault I got hurt. If anything, it's my fault not listening to you. We didn't know that you would turn feral. Please don't beat yourself up..."

Seek sighs, looking sadly at me. "Well, you got hurt because I wasn't in control of my own body. What if that happens again, and I kill you? Then I'll feel awful afterwards."

I look down, not knowing what to say or do to make him feel better. 

"Well, at least we're together in this, that matters right? If only you could leave with me, then I wouldn't grieve over not being with you all the time."

Seek looks at me, trying to make me smile. "Hey, I'll come with you, only if no-one knows of my existence, okay? If someone finds me, we'll both leave, alright?"

I get happy, jumping up and down like a child. "Okay! I'm so, so happy that we're both leaving this place, and together. I love you."

For the first time in awhile Seek laughs with me. 

"Calm down, you're still hurt. But after you get sleep for a bit, you'll need to bathe. I'm pretty sure you'll need it. And maybe we could?..."

I push him playfully, snorting at his joke. "You're so dirty, you know that? But yeah, a bath would be nice. I need to get this junk off of me a lot."


Seek helps me attempt to walk into the bathroom in his bedroom, me limping and holding my side as we walk inside the door, setting me down on the toilet as he starts the bath water up for me.

I watch as steam fogs up the room, and he turns to me.

"Here, I'll help you into the tub. Don't worry, there's nothing I haven't seen already..."

I shake my head. "It's not that. It's how my body looks now, what if you don't like how my body looks with those injuries?"

He sighs, hugging me. "Please, I'll never stop loving you, or how you look. Besides, the scars make you more beautiful to me, they're nothing to ashamed about, love..."

I smile and let him take my shirt off, seeing him kiss my bandages and take them carefully off, looking up at me as I hiss in pain at the air hitting my side.

Seek carefully takes my clothes off, trailing his clawed finger down my body, me feeling tingles all over.

I groan when he gets near my hole, and I feel the pulse of wanting him inside me.

"Gah, let's get me into the bath now, I can't take the teasing." He nods, picking me up, and I shriek out of surprise as he sits me inside the tub.

I hiss in pain as my injuries get wet, not used to the amount of distress I was feeling.

I groan out of nowhere, catching my beloved's attention. "What? Do you want me inside you? Is that why you keep making these noises? To tease me?"

I yell out. "Goddamn it Seek! Just do it please! I can't stop wanting this more than anything."

He chuckles as he gets into the water, and I watch as ink disappears into the water. That worries me.

"Are you not waterproof? Why are you melting in the water?"

He sighs. "The water doesn't like my ink, it cleans it right off..."

I sigh. "Well, I'll get clean first, then we can if you want?"

I stop myself when Seek sits atop me in the tub, shocking me as he stops losing ink in it. I was confused on why it stopped melting in the water.

"What?" He looks at me. "I control myself from dissipating in the water, but it's only for a bit. So let's do this now."

I groan as he sits on my lap, tentacles trying to find my hole. I reach down, grabbing them and taking them to my mouth.

He groans in a sensual way as I take him in, sucking on it as he loses it. I start to nip at his cock occasionally, making him growl out.

"That's it, sit down and watch as I take you. I'm going to enjoy this..."

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