Chapter 56: Getting Love Back

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Song Credits: Rachel Platten - Loveback

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"Now I know, now I know that. When I say that I love you, I get love back..."


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Sleepily, my eye opens. I see him snoring, hugging me close as we lay on the couch. I snuggle into my boyfriend's chest.

However the grumbling of my stomach makes me sigh. Carefully I detach from his grasp, wanting to squeal from how cute he was from sleeping, grabbing a pillow to cuddle instead.

I enter the kitchen, and look in the fridge for food to make. Settling with cereal, I sit down at the table and pour some chocolate marshmallow cereal. 

Spoon in hand, I scoop it into my mouth. I hear rustling in the living room. Low and behold, Seek enters, rubbing his eye. He sees me, and comes over to me.

"Hiii. Morning love." He sits by me, pouring cereal too. I tilt against his arm. He kisses my head. Moving away, I eat again. We eat in silence. Then Screech joins us, and I smile at him. 

He waves. "Hi mom. Can we do something fun today?" I think about it. "Sure, I at least need to get dressed. How about our friends join?" Seek nods. "Figure has never been outside before. I'm sure that it's fine."


After I get dressed in new clothes, we walk hand in hand to the library. He knocks on the door, and we hear a come in.

I smile at the sight. They were busy talking together, and Farah's smile made me feel happy for her. It was only yesterday where she had no clue about relationships.

Just like I did once upon a time...

"Hey guys, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out together?" Farah gets up with Figure's help, and she nods. "Yeah that sounds great, right?" He agrees.

"Sure, I haven't left my home before. It's just sad that I can't see much though." Seek pats his arm. "That's fine. The least is that you are going outside."

Screech clings to my arm as we all head out, and Farah helps in guiding him. It was sweet of the girl to help the blind entity. It shows how much they were meant to be.


The stars were bright overhead as we chat together. Screech fell asleep at some point, and I had the sleeping entity in my lap as I talk.

My boyfriend had an arm around me, smiling as I speak. The occasional kiss made me feel warm inside. Farah was leaning against her new companion, and I could tell that he was flustered from it.

I then say, "We've been too distracted and I was wondering if you guys want to help in planning our wedding?" Farah looks at me. Her smile was obvious.

"Sure, you two only deserve the best one." Figure agrees with her. And then I smile cheekily. "And maybe one day you'll get married..." She sputters flusteredly. I laugh at their flustered faces.

Seek hugs me. I tilt back and we kiss. I could tell that broke the awkward silence. Splitting I whisper, "I love you." His nuzzling was adorable. "Love you too dear."

Finally we start getting up, and he helps me up. Grabbing his arm, the demon holds me close as we walk back to the hotel.

Sighing, I sit in his lap. His claws run through my hair. I lean back. Then my baby starts kicking some, and I speak almost quietly. "It's growing well, isn't it?" He hums. 

The body warmth emitting from him makes my eyes drowsy. I hear a gentle, "Sleep well Inkrose..." His arms holds me close as my eyes finally close.


I wake up to noises. Grumbling, I hear my beloved saying to whoever it was. "Guys stop, you woke her up." Farah's face grimaces. "Sorry Skyler..."

I hiss out. "Figure you gotta teach her how to be quieter." He looks ashamed that I called him out. "R-right, about that-"

My boyfriend blurts out. "They're a thing now." Rubbing my eyes, I ask. "What." I look to Seek. He wasn't joking either. My answer comes out. "Congratulations you two. But you still woke me up."

In turn they seem confused. He sighs. "If she's sleeping, be careful being loud. Her hearing has improved ever since, ahem new changes."

'Right... I forgot to mention that I'm a technical demon too.' "Ah yes, about that... I have demon powers now." My friend looks shocked. "W-what? And you didn't tell me?" I blush.

"Well yeah, I didn't like how you reacted to my boyfriend, so how am I supposed to say, 'Hey, Farah. I have demonic powers now. Bye!'"

She sighs. "I wouldn't judge you. I was just thinking about my feelings, and let them get the best of me-" Blinking, my eyes go to her new partner.

"Did you tell him, or not-?" Seek's eye flicks to me. "I did. He was... Jealous it seems. But now he's just accepting it I guess."

Figure speaks up. "It felt weird knowing that your partner had a thing for your best friend's girlfriend at some point. He also said that's why you guys, uhm, split."

My eyes wanted to cry from that reminder. "Yeahhhh. It hurt being left alone for so long, I even started questioning myself." My darling demon cuddles me close, and I sob into his arms. The others felt awkward right now, saying they were leaving us alone for a bit.

He shushes me. "Inkrose, my love for you won't stop, okay?" I manage out, "What if she wants to come back? What'll happen then?" He growls affectionately. "Then I'll just have to fuck you in front of that horrible woman." My cheeks turn red.

"I-I really think that's not necessary love." However I squeak when he bites me suddenly on the neck. My panting made him chuckle. 

"Mmm, but you would love to show me off, wouldn't you?" My stomach growls, and he says to me. "I'll make you food. You can call them back in now." Leaving me there, I had unholy thoughts pop up.

'Then again, that sounds hot...' 

Opening the door, I tell them we're done. Farah looks at me. She then says something teasingly. "You guys love getting frisky, don't you?" I shut my mouth.

"Oh shush, I had an idea that you two were making out from the mark on your chin." It was her turn to get flustered. I walk away, proud of my teasing.

Sitting on the couch was the beautiful demon I fell in love with. He grabs my hand, and I sit on his lap. "I made you food love." My eyes water up. I start to eat. 

After a while passes, we all start watching a movie together. I smile some as they hug each other. 

My demon was also holding me close, content with keeping me right there. 

This was how we spent the rest of the night. Bundled up, right next to our demon partners, sharing this moment together...

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