Chapter 19: Hurt to Stay, Unwilling to Leave

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Song Credits: Crystal Skies - Hurts (feat. RUNN)

Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


I feel myself getting shakened awake by someone, making me sit up abruptly. I start coughing, saliva stuck in my throat.

Seek comes into view. "Sorry for waking you up, but we have to leave this morning, remember?"

I was confused by what he meant. "What? I don't remember anything like that." He sighs. "We discussed it last night, I guess you forgot about that..."

My face was pretty much confuzzled. Then I remember something that I must've had somewhere in my mind. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I have a horrible memory, but yeah, I'm going to get ready now."

Seek nods. "Okay, I'll be waiting for you out here love."

I wave bye and hurry to the bathroom. I open and close the door, sitting on the edge of the tub. I sigh and lift my shirt, tracing my stitches on my side.

Flashes of possibly dying before show up in my head. Blood everywhere, my blood. I stop myself from picking at them. It's best to get this over with now.

'I'm gonna miss this place deep down, but all that's important is leaving with my boyfriend. Otherwise it'd be a long time until we can see each other again...'

I finish my bath, and get out of the tub, draining the water. But it wasn't normal water, it was red like in blood. I feel a pang in my torso, looking down. 

"Great, I must've ripped my stitches open. Can't exactly fix them, I don't know how to do stitches, especially on my own body." 

Seek knocks on the other side of the door. "Are you okay in there? You're taking a while."

I respond. "Uhm, I kind of ripped my stitches while cleaning my torso, can you please fix them for me?"

Sighing, frustrated, Seek opens the door. His eye catches my upper half, then it widens. "Holy shit, what'd you do? It looks bad."

I smile nervously. "They opened up on accident, and yeah, it feels like I'm tearing into two..."

His clawed hand touches over them, carefully using a needle to sew the skin together. I flinch when it gets near my rib. Seek looks down at me.

"What is it?" I answer him, trying not to burst into tears at the pain I was experiencing. "It got near my rib, that's all."

"Okay, I'll try to be extra cautious then..."

Feeling myself being put back together hurt. But I had to stay strong through the searing torture. All I wanted was sleep right now.

He sets the tool down on the counter top. "There, all done. Are you able to get dressed now? Or do you need help with that too?"

I wave with my hand weakly. "I'm good, you can leave. I'll be done soon." Leaving the bathroom, I sigh out.

"I feel like he's getting done with my problems, or that's just me. Yeah, I hope that is just me..."


We were walking through room after room, that is until my side hurts once more. "Agh, my injuries hurt, but I'll be fine."

Seek glances in my direction, concerned for me. "Are you sure? You're walking like you had gotten hit by a car."

I groan out in pain, however I pretend that I wasn't feeling anything. My eyes close for a second, I breath steadily. Then I open them.

"Ah, actually can you please carry me? I might kill myself now that I think of it..." His eye has a certain emotion in it.

I feel myself getting picked up. He looks... Tired. And done with my shit, but I wish that I picked up his emotion wrong. Oh, but how mistaken I was.


(2 days ago)

I was thinking about my future, and if Seek would be in it. Although that would be nice to have a family with him, what would my parents think about it?

They'll probably freak out and leave me behind, or, possibly be unhappy with my choices and not want to talk to me again.

Either way, I knew it would possibly turn out bad. But at least I had someone here that cared for and about me. Even if he wasn't a human, he was all that was enough for me.

I hear Seek talking to Screech in another room of his home, catching myself being mentioned in their conversation.

"Are you actually able to leave with her? Because it won't be safe for you out there..." Screech asks.

Seek sighs, answering him. "I don't want to give her false hope, but she probably will never get over me one day. As much as I love Skyelle, I can't choose my heart or my guts. I can only pick one to go by, and I say my guts are right..."

My eyes tear up, and it feels like my heart's been ripped out from my chest. 'Is he really just going to leave me behind? But what about my choice? Do I not get a say in this for once?'


Seek wakes me up. "Hey, we're near the elevator. Are you excited to go home?" 

I sigh, looking away from him. "Yeah..."

His eye looks at mine. "What's wrong? Why aren't you more happy to go back to your world? Is there something on your mind?"

Tears get in my eyes, making him concerned. 

"Why?" Seek looks confused. "Why what?"

I answer, sounding broken hearted. "Why aren't you coming with me? What about me, or what about starting a family? Am I not good enough for you?"

I was flooding tears at this point. "You heard that a few days ago? I thought you were asleep then, when we had that conversation."

I sigh out, feeling betrayed. "Yeah, I wasn't. But don't I get a say in my ending too? It's not a happy one, all I know..."

Seek exhales, "I'm sorry, but what might happen to me? Potentially dying and never return, or have you stuck in here with the others, forever."

I push him away, and land on my feet, wobbly but feeling pumped. "Then go. Leave me here to fend for myself, I'm not a damsel in distress needing a hero, so go."

He reaches out for me, trying to talk. 

"But!-" I interrupt him. "Go!" His eye looks sad, and looking heartbroken at my choice. "Fine, but don't come crawling back when you're on the edge of death then..."

He turns around, walking away from me. My shoulders sag, backpack on one of them. I sit and cover my face with my hands.

I feel torn into two, literally and figuratively. Tears run down my face, and I wanted to give up there, but I don't. I manage to get up, and trudge my way to the end.

Sighing out, feeling empty inside. I look behind me, missing his embrace hugging me, but now I lost him, and for good this time.

Gosh, did it hurt to stay, but I was unwilling to leave too...

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