Chapter 25: Lets Runaway Together

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Song Credits: N3WPORT & Meggie York - Runaway

Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"I'd spend the entire day in your arms if I could. The times shared with you are the most precious moments of my life."


I wake up, blinking the sleep from my eyes. I also sit up in the bed, yawning and stretching my arms out, hearing my muscles pop.

However I didn't see my one eyed lover anywhere, making me look around for him. My eyes look everywhere, trying to find that familiar black figure that I was used to seeing.

Then I smell food, seeing the door open. Seek sees me up, running quickly to my side, food in hands.

"Oh! You're up. I decided to make you some breakfast, if that's fine?" I kiss his cheek, making the demon's pupil turn into a heart.

 I decided to make you some breakfast, if that's fine?" I kiss his cheek, making the demon's pupil turn into a heart

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I pull away, whispering to him, "That's good. Thanks for that, I love you Seek." He pulls me on his lap, setting me there. He was content with me eating my food there.

He also brings the tray to me, letting me dig into it. I then turn around. "Hey, I was wondering if you can eat?" 

Seek responds. "Kind of, but I don't need to, why?" I give him the fork with some pancake on it. He takes it, me watching him as he eats it.

Done with the fork, he hands it back, making me smile that he ate some for me. And being the kind soul I was, sharing food with him meant a lot to me.

He asks. "How is it? Did I make it okay? I'm not exactly the best cook..." I swallow, responding back to him. 

"It's good! Thanks again, it means a lot to me that you would do something like this. You really are the best boyfriend ever, you know that?"

Seek hugs me from behind. "And you are my amazing human that I care about. Also yeah, I am clearly the best in this world."

I smile. "You know, you're the only one I've ever dated in my life, before you, I didn't pay any attention to guys. But now I'm glad that I didn't, otherwise I wouldn't have met you, my darling demon..." My hands were now on his face.

He nuzzles them, acting like an oversized cat. I kiss him, making sure to put all of my love into that kiss. Soon we part, me gasping for air.

Then he sneaks his hands to my bottom, trailing over it. I groan some when he does so. "Urgh, no fair. You know I want to, but we have to go, remember?"

He sighs, arms wrapped around my waist. "I know... I just wish that we had eternity to ourselves, then we wouldn't have to ever go anywhere."

I kiss his head, holding him close to my upper torso. "Well, I'm done eating, so if you don't mind, can I please get up?"

Begrudgingly he lets me go, upset about losing contact with me.

But this mattered getting over with, and then we could finally relax in bed together.

Hands holding each other, we start walking, and then Screech magically appears, excited to see me up. "You're up! Are we ready to go now? I'm excited to go with you two!"

I smile, letting him sit on my head. "Yep. Ready Seek?"

He has his hand connected with mine, looking forward and answering my question. "Yeah, let's get going. I want this over with so that we can rest in peace later on..."

"I agree, some rest won't hurt to get. Especially after all that I've been through for a long time." I lean some against his arm, feeling exhausted and wanting rest right now.

With all three of us ready and pumped for our journey, I start leading us, prepared for anything to happen. And I had my amazing boyfriend and best friend by my side through it all.


I was looting drawers, finding some more coins and a few spare items. Seek was following me like a lovesick puppy, his eye always trained on my body's movements.

And whenever I called for him, he would get attentive, and it was adorable to see him so focused on me.

"Hey Seek, where do you think we are now?" I look up at my beloved, seeing him notice me talking to him. "Hhm, I don't really know, but I think we're close to the end..."

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. The constant escaping from the entities was getting to me, it was obvious.

Seek takes notice of my movement, concerned for me. He then hugs me from behind, making my heart melt because of it.

"Thanks Seeky, I needed a hug after all of this." He breathes out some on my neck, the air from his mouth making me feel ticklish.

"You're welcome Skyler, your problems matter to me, I don't want you to end up on the floor, upset." Seek thinks for a second.

"How about we talk about your life, from before coming to the hotel? Unless you're uncomfortable sharing that kind of thing..."

I respond after a bit, "Well, my life certainly wasn't the absolute best. My parents wanted me to marry a rich guy, my dad's boss's son, and to make them happy. But I didn't want to end up with someone that made me unhappy..."

The long pause between us was concerning me, but then he speaks again. 

"They what??! Why would they do that to you?" He looks enraged, seething out of the not so visible mouth that he had. He looked downright possessive.

"I know, I don't want anyone else, I want you. Please, if they try again, defend me. It's the least that you can do for me." My hands were on his chest. Seek looked down at me, right in my eyes.

His hands were on my hips, his claws poking out some. His eye slitted in a specific emotion. Envy. "I love you. And no-one will ever take you from me."

We hug, Seek planting a kiss on my forehead. I sigh and close my eyes, breathing in his familiar scent. I was at home in his arms.

However he broke away, still clinging onto my hand some. He then smiles again at me.

"C'mon, let's not waste anymore time. I just wanna runaway with you, you know that?" 

I take his hand fully in mine. "Yeah, I would do that same with you. Just us, leaving the world behind, sounds like a great life to live. Especially when I'm with you..."

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