Chapter 7: Door 50/Inside of the Library

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Song Credits: Roblox: The Mimic - Book 1 Soundtrack - Silent Judgement (Library Music/Megumi's Theme)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


Knowing as if something big was about to commence, I breathe in and out, calming my heartbeat. Closing my eyes, I hope that to the Gods that I don't die here, and opening my eyes again, I sigh and open the doors to see...


 ...A library. A huge library at that. There were many bookshelves everywhere, all of them very tall. There were also ladders on them to reach the books that were up high. Hundreds of books were in here.

But something caught my attention, drawing my eyes over to where it was

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But something caught my attention, drawing my eyes over to where it was. First I hear it and then I see it.

My eyes widen at the tall figure right in front of me

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My eyes widen at the tall figure right in front of me. It lets out a huge roar and charges to the left when something falls, breaks and catches its attention.

Carefully, and precisely I look around, spotting a strange blue glow on one of the closer bookshelves. Looking behind me, I see the strange figure walk throughout the different shelves, as if he was looking for me.

I huddle down when he gets near me, but when he walks, or more like tramples away from where I was huddled, I sigh out quietly, and my face hurt from holding my breath in.

I get up, carefully reaching for the shelf, but accidentally make a squeaking sound, causing it to approach me again, and I get down once more.

I almost bust from not breathing, but the creature walks away, and I realize that it couldn't see me here, and then it makes sense!

I find out that it was blind, but seemed to rely on using echolocation to look for me. I stretch my arm up again, and grab the book.

I slowly open the book that I found, seeing a shape and number inside the seemingly bookmarked page, not even questioning it at this point. 

I spot two huge double doors up a staircase, and tiptoe up to them, noticing that it was very much locked. Thinking about the weird book with a number in it, that I found earlier, and that it was probably part of a code that will unlock the exit doors.

I then carefully, and quietly step down the stairs again, making sure to keep an eye out. I look around the library for more pieces to the code. I also look behind the desk and find a paper that seemed to have the order to put the code into the lock.

I finally take in the library while looking around. The desk in where I found the paper, more shelves than the public and my old school's library combined, more books to last at least a lifetime, some weird desk looking things that opened in the top.

It was still storming outside, lightning popping in the clouds. I take notice of the Figure seemingly jump slightly at the sound of thunder outside the windows.

Finally retracing the steps that I took, I continue on my mission. Finding more books, and not get distracted at looking around, even though it was tempting to.

Breathing steadily, I look back as I grab the next needed book off it's shelf. The Figure seemed to have not found me yet, but I had a feeling that would very change soon.


I look at the answer sheet. I was missing one more book, and it was near the entity, and I didn't know what to do but carefully walk over to the shelf with the last book, and quietly sigh out when I grabbed it off the shelf.

However my sigh was heard by the Figure, and he roars and comes at me, making me yelp out and run to a closet. Clearly inspecting the door, I take a breath in and hold my heartbeat, not sure how much longer I could hold my breath in.

After a bit, he seems to have gotten off of my trail, and I skillfully get out of my hiding spot, deciding with the books that I found and looked useful, that I had the possible answer to the lock's code, and looked throughout what I had, finally figuring it out.


I tiptoe past a shelf, peeking my head around the corner, seeing it in the way of the exit. And I wasn't too far away too, but no way that I was risking it. I narrow my eyes. 

'I need a distraction. But what should I use?'

I see a book by my feet on the ground, and I had an idea. I pick it up, skillfully throwing it to the desk, past the Figure. Obviously, he heard it and ran over there to check it out.

I jolt and crouch my way past, crawling to the staircase. I look behind me, seeing it still distracted. I turn to the lock, trying to be careful of the clicking sounds it was making.

I finally figure out how to turn the stupid numbers, putting in the code I had. I peek my eyes to the entity, seeing it search around for whoever threw the book.


'C'mon, c'mon! Hurry up lock!' I finally get the code in, unhatching the lock from the door, making a click sound when I do so.

Hearing the clicking sound, the Figure trampled up the steps, very much making me scared, and with all I had, I dash through the doors, getting a slice into my ribs, the claws of it attacking me, as I pass through.

I yelp out loud, and slowly make my way to the nearest couch, the doors slamming behind me. I trip and land on the floor, me leaving an accidental blood trail behind me, and I nearly pass out from the blood loss that I just went through there.

Angry roaring was heard coming from the creature, from behind the closed doors. 

With some of my very few strength, I manage to get onto the sofa by the exit doors, me feeling bad about leaving a huge red stain on the surprisingly still nice cushions. 

I wince and carefully put my hand onto the injury, trying to stop it from bleeding out even more. 

First I was feeling burning in my chest, and then the lightheaded feeling came in.

'Maybe... Maybe I should just take a nap, I'm really not feeling really good right about now...'

And I pass out.

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