Chapter 2: The Revelation It Began

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Song Credit: MitiS - The Revelation (Interlude)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


It turns out, by tomorrow I meant to say weeks later. Farah knew I had delayed my plans for many reasons. (not on purpose either!)

It turns out owning your own house takes more than you'd think out of you. Making money, buying necessities, and etc. take a lot of work to remember doing so...

That being said, I might be able to get onto it as soon as this hell is over with. Everything here was more exhausting and more independent, seeing as I always had an adult or two take care of me then.

Now, now was different from my days of depending on others to care and raise me. I was so used to being babied, I realized that it was completely different from what I'm used to.

Anyways, weeks soon turn into months, again, not my fault. Just adulting was sickening to think about, and doing all those "grown up" things, were really tiring me out.

No wonder why my mom, and sometimes dad was okay with me leaving, but as I was an only child, having no siblings around, for them to get in their business as well, but just mine, I guess...

After what seemed an eternity of my new experiences, Farah called.

"Hey, I know it's been a bit since that was announced that you were busy, but I get it. Being an adult, I mean..." She cuts off, wondering how to frame her next words carefully, was nice of her to do for. Not many people, besides her and Aunt didn't try to say anything corresponding, nor rude to me. Respect doesn't come from many people anymore...

"So, I was asking, finding my sister may not even be possible during your 'investigation', but I at least believe that maybe one day, we could be reunited..."

Nodding, even though it wasn't visible on the call. "I know, I don't have any siblings, but I cannot imagine how bad it was to, lose her... But it seems my little escapade has finally calmed... I'm pretty sure now would be great to start using that pre packed backpack..."

"But at least I have one packed, so I don't have to worry about that none sense later on..."

Farah then laughs and says, "Yeah, good thing it was! Would've sucked to wait until the last minute to do that..."

I knew and hated that feeling, of forgetting or putting important stuff to the side for me. "Well, I gotta go, see you, or talk later, I gotta get ready for bed now, later Farah! Bye!"


'Sigh... Time to get to bed now...'



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I wake up with a jolt. I had a frightening nightmare about being found by my parents. I hate it... But they don't know where I live, or that Aunt secretly helped me out.

They'll just assume I ran away, or gotten into some sort of trouble. Because no one knew that I had saved a lot of secret money from anyone else, that's how I bought stuff here.

I had a huge jar filled with money, which I kept stashed away under my bed, in a loose floorboard that always made hiding stuff easier.

No one would even expect that as the last hiding spot for my stuff.

About that nightmare, now I am awake, so there's no guarantee I can fall back to sleep. But now that I was up, I texted my Aunt.

"Hey, I found out about some abandoned hotel, linked to the townspeople disappearing for years now. I was wondering if you can help me after that's done with getting any renovation stuff for the house done. Thanks."

I didn't expect a response real quickly.

"That sounds like a bit nice and a quick change of pace to you, right? And sure, I'll help you get that done when you're back from there. Have a great day kiddo..."

Smiling, I heard Farah's phone call ringtone go off. Pressing the call feature, she automatically answers.

"Hey, I was thinking about you, how's it going?"

That was a weird way to word it. Maybe I'm just going a bit crazy for once.

"Hi, I'm going to my car and headed that way, I was thinking we catch up as soon as I return, like planned.."

"Okay, that'll do. Have a nice day, Skyler..."

"Okay, bye."

Checking up on my sleeping dog, reminded me about something. Texting her, "Hey, since I gave you the spare key at one point to my front door, can you please watch my dog while I'm out?"

"Sure, will do. See you soon..."

Perfect. Walking to my car outside in the driveway, open the door, backpack now on the passenger seat, keys now in the ignition, I look behind whilst backing up.

Turning onto the right road, I stop by the stop sign, and put on a song by MitiS, called The Revelation. (Song at the top of the page.)

Humming to the tune of the song, I realize that I forgot to call aunt. So pausing the song, I bring up her contact. Pressing the call button, "Hi, Aunt. How've you been since last time we saw each other?"

"Great, your parents are wondering where you went, and when they asked me, I said I don't know where that girl have gone, not at all."

I shiver involuntary. "That's, some sort of news alright. Well, they don't know where I live, or my address, so I'm going to be fine for a bit, anyways, I just think we should meet up when I'm done, along with my friend, if that's fine?"

"Oh! You got a new friend? Well, I'm glad they did become a friend, you needed one, especially after so many years of loneliness, I know how that feels... Well, I gotta go, your uncle and I have a neighborhood barbeque to go to, bye!"

"Bye, Aunt."

Sighing, I unpaused the song, and continued on my way to the abandoned hotel, which was hopefully, not something I'd regret doing later on...

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