Chapter 18: Don't Let Me Let Go, My Dear

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Song Credits: Illenium - Don't Let Me Let Go (feat. EVAN GIIA)

Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


I feel myself waking up, and peek an eye open, looking for where I was. I realize that I might've fell asleep earlier, and I find myself in a bed with my sleeping boyfriend next to me.

I groan out a yawn, alerting him that I was now awake and conscious. He looks over at me, grabbing at my waist, pulling me over to his side.

"Hi there. I see that you've slept well my beloved?"

I nod. Yawning I say, "Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep. I needed it, especially after all that happened before. But where are we?"

He speaks. "A room that I've found earlier. After you fell asleep, I thought maybe a bed would be nice for you to be in while unconscious, so I came to this room."

I kiss his cheek, looking bashful at his actions. "Thanks Seek, it means a lot to me that you'd make me comfortable. But now that I'm awake, how about we get going? I don't want to waste anymore time..."

His one eye makes eye contact with mine. He groans out of tiredness. "But I'm sooooo tired, and you make an excellent cuddle partner."

I smile some. "Yeah, I'm tired too, but we have to go eventually. I'm really missing my bed at my house, and besides, you'd love it. I just know it."

My begging face becomes his weakness, so he gives in. "Fine, but only because you have cuteness privileges for me. And I want you to go home with me too. But remember, I'm not exactly human..."

I sigh, and hug his body close to my smaller form, or attempt to do so. Seek chuckles at me trying to keep him close to me.

"I know, but I don't care about what anyone says. Even if people think that it's weird, at least we're happy, right dear?" He kisses my head, eye closed. My eyes also closed.

"I know."


We were walking beside each other, keeping an eye out for any entities that were around. We had encountered Rush a few times already, both of us fitting inside of a closet to hide.

I sigh and run a hand over my hair, tired of the constant hiding that we were doing. I just wanted for this to be over with, and for me and my partner to leave this wretched place behind.

But I was pretty sure that Seek noticed my distress, and he stops us from going forward.

"Are you okay love? You look stressed, and I don't want you to be." His eye looks over my body, knowing that I was obviously worried about something.

I sigh, leaning against his frame, arms wrapping around his torso. I close my eyes, breathing in and out regularly. I open my eyes again.

"I am just worried that we might never escape. I just want to go home, with you by my side. But what if that might take forever to happen? Then what?"

He leans against my head, claws carefully placed on my hips, and he stops and thinks. "Maybe if you want, we can take a break. You might need it. Please, if we were to have kids, you'd need to breathe steadily. I can't bear to see you in anymore stress..."

I nod. "Yeah, I'm just scared. And possibly nervous. But please, I don't want to waste anymore time here. I'll be fine, I'm not so sure that nothing will change in a good way."

Seek picks me up, making me feel fluttery.

"Well, too bad. You look like you need a break. And I'll have Screech come by to help with that. You always think that the little disturbance is a good friend, so I'll do that. I'll also run a nice bath for you. Just please, you need a break from this..."

I smile, looking at him in fondness of his concern for my mental health. He really was amazing to me when I needed it most.

"Sure dear, sounds nice to me. I love you." I lean back in his arms, feeling warmth over my body spread from him.

His eye looks happy. "I love you too, my Inkrose."

Then we were off, to get a well deserved break off from our journey. And I didn't have any problems against it either. I really did need a rest.



"Honey, come here! We need you!"

I groan out, tired from both school and family stuff. My parents decided to have me meet my father's boss's son for a dinner his boss was hosting.

Apparently they wanted me to find some nice guy to marry one day, but he wasn't my favorite pick, none of the guys that they had me met were.

I had to wear a dress, a shade of red, and makeup, which neither thing was my favorite. And don't let me start with those dinner plans for a rich looking place.

I walk down the stairs, meeting my mother down there, holding said dress, looking excited for me. However I wasn't happy to say the least.

"Come here! I need to see if it fits. You'll definitely love him! He's very rich, has a personality similar to you, and he's even your exact age! Isn't that nice?"

I force a smile. "Sounds splendid mother." I grit my teeth while saying it. My dad, looking stern, looks over from tying his shoes.

"Sound more excited, we want this to work out Skyler. It's about time you get to know a guy that you'd only end up marrying one day."

I groan. "Erg, fine. I want this over with..."

I had no choice but to go, and I knew that they would keep the decision in mind for my future, but not let me say anything about it or choose who I wanted to end up with someday...

(Memory Over)


Seek has run me a nice and warm bath, and I was almost done with it, wrapping up in a towel afterwards. Man, he really was a sweetheart to me.

I meet my boyfriend and new bff in the room, both of them talking about favorite topics. Seek notices me right away, rushing over and kissing my cheek.

Screech obviously was disgusted by it.

I smile at his display of affection. "Hey. So I was wondering, what do you guys want to do now that I'm here?" 

"Well, since you have a 'phone' as Seek calls it, can we watch something like we did before?" Screech says, giving off child vibes.

I smile and sit by them, Seek obviously going right to my side, cuddling up by me. I take out my charged phone, going to Youtube right away.

"Sure, I have something I'm sure that you two will love to watch. And yes, it's going to be fun to watch. It's literally my favorite video yet."

Seek looks happy at me. "Well, I'll clearly love it if you do Skyler."

Screech looks excited to watch it, sitting in my lap with my permission, looking up at the screen in my hands. "I'll love it too, that's for sure!"

I smile, "Perfect! So it's settled then!" I then hit play on the video.

Video Credits:  PotatoPleb -✨ Funneh the Pro Sheriff ✨ 

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