Chapter 1: New Town

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Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


Getting up that morning, I sort of forgotten that I was in my new house. And me being the worst at remembering much of anymore these days, I was happy I quickly realized where I am.

Stretching and yawning like crazy, hearing the satisfying pop that I grew to like. I then swiftly get on my two feet, grabbed a clean outfit from my walk-in closet, and walked into the attached bathroom in my bedroom.

Getting all of my sleep clothes off, and getting into the glass door shower, I run hot water, cleansing myself off, making sure that I got cleaned up enough.

Towel on body, I get into my shorts and shirt that says There's a 99.9% Chance That I Don't Care on the front.

Brushing hair and teeth, I finish up and head downstairs, remembering I had errands to run for my new house. I grab the keys on the key hook by the pantry doors, and walk into the garage, spotting my new Jeep.

I open the door, and get in, and start the car by putting the keys in the ignition, letting the car heat up before driving out of the garage, and drove to the nearest store.


Walking into the store, right away I spot and hear dogs squealing and playing around. Smile big on my face, I head to the dogs adoption place, and look around at each of the breeds displayed.

I was about to head off, until a small sized husky caught my eye. Seeing her there, alone, made my heart swell up. So, me being the cautious person I was, I show her my hand gently.

Surprised, she sniffs it, and smiles at me. Awww, my big heart for cute things! I walk over to an employee, asking; "Hey. I was wondering if that husky has somebody else's name on her?"

She shakes her head, "She's the only one that no-one will adopt, why? Do you want to adopt her?"

Smiling and looking at her, she meets my eyes once more. I nod, "Yeah, I will..."


Parking the car, leash in hand, and bags of dog food, I walk the husky inside. Being the curious puppy she was, she started sniffing her new home right away, after I take her leash off.

I sit down by her. "Hmm? What should I name you? Since your breed loves snow, what about Snowflake? Is that your name girl?"

Almost immediately, she jumps into my lap, making me giggle because of her shenanigans. I knew we were gonna be good friends forever...


I then set up her bed and bowls. I decide by my bed would do fine. 'There we go, now I got to find that silly doggy.'

Snowflake was downstairs, sniffing around the house. She seemed to be busy taking in her new home. I knew that sometimes dogs in a new environment had a hard time adjusting to chance, especially after being somewhere familiar for a certain amount of time.

And knowing huskies, they were very... Rambunctious and energetic, hated baths, like REALLY hate baths, and were very loud dogs.

But alas, that wasn't their fault that they were bred to be that way, even if unintentionally.

'Time to go get that puppy to go to sleep, she probably needs it right about now...'


After the sixth attempt at getting my new companion down for a long awaited nap in her new igloo bed, I decided now was a good time to actually get into my shopping plans like I originally wanted done.

Going back to the store, I grabbed a cart on my way in, and went through my to do list in order:



•Bathroom Things

•Office tools

After deciding what to find first, I head to the office stuff aisle. It being a huge superstore, I had to walk a marathon to find anything.

Putting what was needed into my cart, I find the clothes aisle next. Same as I did before, I found a reasonable amount of clothing.

After what felt like another figurative mile or two, I finally get my bathroom supplies. One more thing left now. Food.

I walk into the food area of the store. Getting fruits, veggies, bread, milk, eggs, flour, snack food and finally get to the checkout with my full cart.

I spot a new article talking about more disappearances at an abandoned hotel outside the town. It being a small town, losing and gaining people 24/7, not many experiences or any mysteries go on.

That sounded like a chance to get back into the groove of things. The clerk notices my attention on it however.

"Oh. That. Don't believe that bullshit, it isn't real. Don't know why that's even a news article anymore..."

I shake my head, "Oh, but I'm into the paranormal... But you'd probably think of me as a freak now that I told you that..." I cringe at myself. Why'd the Hell I would say that as my first topic at conversations with someone here?

I thought maybe it was best to just leave and buy somewhere else, without the worry of embarrassment.

She shakes her head and makes a face. "No! I'm not saying it's weird, I think it's cool that you believe in all that type of shit. I really don't, but like to think about it sometimes..." She hands me the paper, noticing my confused face right away.

"Here, maybe you'll be able to try and find out what happened to a lot of people in this town... And try to find any traces of my missing sister..."

I nod. "I'll be in touch to help fill you in I guess..." Swapping numbers, she tells me her name, Farah. We then agree to meet whenever we both had a free day soon-to-come.

Waving bye and groceries in hand, I part from her, Farah's number now in my contacts.

Maybe I'll find answers about it, but right now I felt like sleeping.


Hours later I agreed to talk to her as much as possible during my investigation and made plans to meet up whether at her or my place. But finally we said to meet at my new favorite cafe after my time at the abandoned hotel to fill her in any news about anything or her sister's whereabouts soon as possible.

Bags packed I call her one last time for the night.

"Hey, I'm about to go to sleep and leave tomorrow morning, so that's all I wanted to say."

After a bit she finally answered. "Okay, thanks for agreeing to help me out here, I'll call when you text me after coming back and we'll meet at the cafe you like, so I'm going to bed too, g'night..."

"Good night Farah..." Hanging up, I fall asleep with my new dog in my bed, ready and not ready at the same time for tomorrow's events and remember to call Aunt too by my trip time...

Yet the coldness of no partner right next to me in bed, remained inside my head, being alone and single sometimes hurts to feel or bare feeling... Although I really wanted to hate my parents, I'll still try and wanted to give them some sort of grandchildren to have one day...

And maybe soon our relationship will be rekindled as well...

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