Chapter 57: We're Going to Treasure You Forever

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Song Credits: BEAUZ - Treasure U (feat. Sarah De Warren)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

It was time for the new member of their family to arrive, and Seek panics about getting things ready. However Skyelle reassures him it'll be fine.

And Screech is a great big brother to his sibling.


I fell asleep in his lap last night, and his claws carefully run through my hair. He was always so soft when it came to me. 

The next morning he was walking over to me, plate full of food. He also passes out food to his friend and his girlfriend who gleefully eats it.

With me in his lap again, I start on my plate. And then he asks me, "Is it fine if you shower alone? I can help if you aren't able to." He was worried about the baby coming. I mean I have grown a lot lately.

Done with my food, I speak up. "It's good. I'll be back after I shower." I walk away, and watch fondly as his eye looks softly at me. I blush and smile.


Sitting in his lap again, he nuzzles my head with his. My eyes close. He kisses my head softly. Then I feel it. Gasping some, his eye looks worriedly at me.

"Are you okay Inkrose?" Shakily I speak up, "Yes. Just felt weird..." However my stomach drops, and I lean back against him, connecting our eyes. 

Abruptly my words come out. "They're coming." Seek holds me, and gets up. He starts panicking and dashes towards our room.

I hold his face, making the demon stop. "Hon, don't worry I'll be fine. But we'd best hurry up. I can't stop the pain-" My eyes roll back as we teleport to the hospital.

 I hear him talking to someone, and soon Diana rushes me into the delivery room. He holds my hand as she speaks. "Okay, it seems that you were starting to go into labor a while ago, and that baby is ready to leave now."

Great. The next minutes were the most of painful that I ever experienced.

Seek speaks gently to me, telling me it'll all be over soon. My screams and cries made the demon nuzzle me some. He could tell I was in a lot of aching pain.

Diana says that I was doing good. "One more. Push!" I let out a pained scream, pushing with all of my might. As soon as it was over, I fall against my darling demon's arms, eyes shut close.


A baby wailing makes my eyes tear open. I see a bundled form get taken away for a second to get cleaned off. My eyes water as I finally hold her. My smile is uncontrollably happy as I look my child over.

 My smile is uncontrollably happy as I look my child over

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Seek's eye waters with mine. "It's- it's a girl." He looks down at the baby girl's form. The sniffling gets me crying. After so long, she was finally here.

Her arms reach for her father, who gladly takes her from my tired body. His eye shines with her soft babbles for him to hear.

"Are you alright beloved?" He nods. "Y-yeah, I am. She's so big. This, is our child that we wanted forever, ever since we got together it's been our dream..." I speak up. "Let me see her for a second."

Passing my child back to me, he looks over my shoulder. "What should we name her?" I smile gently at my sleeping girl. "How about Shadow?"


Shadow kept crying while we tried to sleep that night in the hospital. Slowly I cradle her back and forth, humming a lullaby that I remember from my mother.

Seek's head was rolled back, and he looked tired. I was tired too. Babies were a lot to take care of. Shadow falls asleep calmly, and I put her in the crib that was provided here.

Hours later, Seek came back with breakfast for me, and I smile at him. "Hi love. Have you slept okay?" My eyes close. I was still getting used to not having a second heartbeat with mine anymore.

"Yeah, I need to use the bathroom though. My bladder is getting used to not being kicked repeatedly." Finished with my food the demon carefully helps me up, walking to the bathroom.

Screech pops up, watching over his baby sister. I smile fondly as he watches over her sleeping. Seek helps me sit, and I whine in pain. "Does it hurt?" I nod.

Done with my business, he helps me wobble back. However he picks me up, making me squeal in excitement. I hear a baby noise, and gasp. I get placed down carefully.

I stand over her crib, the other two curious and follow my lead. Her eyes open for once, and they were beautiful. One was dark blue, and the other was like her father's, but swapped.

"She's a special one, isn't she love?" He kisses my head, and then kisses hers next. I pick her up, and let her eat as I sit on my bed again.

Done with feeding, I carefully burp her. My darling demon takes her from my arms, and he smiles at her. Shadow looks up at her father, and reaches for him.

"Aww, she really loves you dear." The door opens, and my mom and dad enter, ready to see their grandchild. Seek passes Shadow over, and mom coos at her granddaughter.

"Hi little one. You look a lot like your father, you know that?" I huff jokingly. "So rude, right? I wish she had some of my features too." Her laugh fills the room, and Shadow giggles some too, making me surprised at the sudden noise.

"Well we wanted to say hi real quick. And my goodness we are proud of you Skyler." Dad hugs me, and I sniffle some. Mom gives her granddaughter back to Seek, and hugs me too.

"Sleep well tonight honey. We're so happy for you two." They leave, and Seek sits by me, a content daughter in his arms. "Hey, you okay?" I think about it. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm so happy with everything right now, I don't want it to end..."


Weeks later and we're back at the hotel, tired as hell. With Shadow settled into her crib, and I sit by him on the couch. Farah stopped by with her boyfriend earlier, and said that they wanted to say hi.

Farah joked that my baby looked a lot more like the father, and I pouted some, but smile again as Figure attempted to greet the baby.

She babbled about nothing and everything while I sat her in her new bed, and she fell asleep immediately after my lullaby.

Seek speaks softly to me, "I'll handle her when she wakes up, okay Inkrose? You need sleep after handling all of that." I tilt my head against his arm. 

"Alright, I'll sleep. And tell Screech that he's been a great big brother to her, too..." He nods. You could tell that she lit up at seeing the entity that looked kinda like her dad. He had vibrated in excitement when I said to him that he can always check up on her, when she's awake of course.

Closing my heavy eyes, I feel his claws run through my hair, and my snores are light when I fall asleep. He whispers, "Sleep well love. You need it."

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