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Seongwha and Hongjoong get into a fight and don't talk for days ft. Chan

The atmosphere in the dorms was tense, and the reason why was simple: Hongjoong had returned late from the studio one time more than was acceptable and when Seongwha confronted him about it, things took a turn. The oldest members did not fight often so when they did, everyone could tell. 

It was not only affecting the atmosphere in the dorms but it was spreading to their work as well and the team had not achieved anything in the past week due to that. Something had to change soon or there would be trouble with their staff. 

So, with that in mind, Wooyoung, Yunho and Yeosang took a trip to their one of the matz's only hyungs: Chan. 

After the whole ordeal with Hongjoong and Seongwha in Stray Kids' studio, the two groups were being very careful being seen by their companies together.

"He's recording. You know the way" Changbin didn't even look up when the three Ateez members walked in. Maybe that was rude but the two groups were so close that it didn't matter. Wooyoung led the way to the 3RACHA recording studio, knocking politely and waiting for permission to come in.

"Chan-hyung" Yunho spoke, pulling the Stray Kids leader from his thoughts.

"What are you guys doing here? You need to be more careful" Chan scolded, turning his chair to face the younger idols.

"We're sorry. We needed to talk to you about hyungs" Yeosang bowed politely before saying anything more.

"What's the matter?" Chan was curious now. 

"Well, Hongjoong-hyung had been working late and Seongwha-hyung confronted him about it but they got into a big argument and now they aren't talking to each other anymore. It's been a week and we've been unable to work together because of them so we thought maybe coming to you would help. Maybe you could give us some ideas or something on how to help them?" Wooyoung explained in complete detail. Chan sighed and shut everything down; he wasn't going to get anymore work done that night.

"You know how I would handle it but I guess you can't do that since your not the hyungs in this case" Chan said, thinking about what he could do. He knew the answer but he had never done that before and he didn't know how Hongjoong or Seongwha would react.

"Hyung, I think you know really what we are asking. It's going to be weird and embarrassing but your older than them and your also a leader. They respect you" Wooyoung hinted. Yes, Chan did know and he could see why the dongsaengs would be coming to him of all people. 

"Very well. Go home, get some sleep and make sure those two stay out of trouble. I am going to take my group home and I will be by tomorrow. I want all of you out of the dorm, okay?" Chan agreed, wrapping things up and getting his bag. Wooyoung, Yeosang and Yunho all bowed to him, saying their thanks and left. It felt strange to thank him for agreeing to punish their hyungs but they still appreciated it in a weird way. 

The next day
Just as Chan had said, he was there early the next morning. He had cleared his entire schedule up until noon for this and left Minho and Changbin in charge, giving the team strict instructions to listen to the current oldest two and their staff. He didn't want to hear about any problems while he was gone.

Just as Wooyoung had promised, the dorm was empty. Hongjoong and Seongwha asked a lot of questions when they saw their dongsaengs leaving but they were ignored, something that did not go well with them and only sparked an argument. 

That was the scene that Chan walked into. Wooyoung had waited outside the dorm building for the Stray Kids' leader, giving him the key to get into their dorm and then left. 

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