Seongwha and Wooyoung

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Kingdom had tired everyone out and with ISAC right after that, there was no time for a break so tensions were high; very high, more than usual. Hongjoong was doing his best to prevent any issues, especially outside the dorms but he was just one person and there were seven guys all bigger than him that seemed intent on being at each other's throats every day. 

The main problem was Seongwha and Wooyoung. The two of them rarely ever fought but lately, it seemed like they didn't know how to do anything else. And it always ended up being physical. The stylists were annoyed at how much they had to cover up on their faces just to protect the guys' image. Hongjoong didn't blame them; he was getting fed up too and was determined to put a stop to the endless fighting. 

"Seongwha! Wooyoung! I want to see you inside for a moment" Hongjoong called the two over to him. They knew why they were being pulled aside and normally they were nervous, but even if they were, it didn't show this time.

"I know we've been doing a lot lately and I appreciate how hard you are working and I understand that we're all tired but you two have been going at each other for a while now and it's taking a turn. This has gone on too long so it's time to stop. I don't know what's going on but none of us are going to be leaving until you get it resolved. It's up to you if that means missing some of the games" Hongjoong was more than content to wait. He was slightly frustrated with their staff for planning so much without a break in between but that was life. He had to deal with it; they all did.

"We're fine, Hongjoong. I think we're all just a little tired. I didn't mean to cause problems, Wooyoung. I'm sorry" Seongwha sucked up his pride and turned to his dongsaeng.

"It's okay. I was doing it too" Wooyoung was more than aware what Seongwha was doing and he played along. Anything to get out of not spending another minute together with Hongjoong watching them. Hongjoong didn't believe them and for good reason; he could tell when they were lying. He couldn't just let them go either, that would be a disaster waiting to happen.

"Fine. But until you get this resolved, neither of you are playing in any games. You'll sit with our staff until you can figure out what's wrong and fix it" Hongjoong led the way out of the room and back outside. Wooyoung and Seongwha tried to follow him to where the other teams were but he gave them a dirty look and they went to sit under their tent with the staff. Hongjoong hadn't said it outright but they were pretty much in timeout.

Hongjoong checked on them periodically but nothing seemed to have changed so he stopped for a while and focused on the events taking place. He was distracted by one of the staff members, a new girl who had been there barely a year, came running up to him.

"Their fighting! I don't know what to do" She spoke nervously, waving her finger around in the direction she came from. Hongjoong didn't have to ask who 'they' was.

"Let's go. I'm sorry for the trouble, hyungs! Please excuse me" Hongjoong turned and bowed to the group he had been talking to. He didn't know them very well, just enough to know they were all older than him.

Seongwha and Wooyoung were in fact fighting. They looked seconds away from tackling each other but the insults and shouts being thrown around was no better. Hongjoong grabbed both of them by the scruff of their necks, leading them inside and out of the camera's eye.

"Hyung, I-" Wooyoung opened his mouth, stopping when Hongjoong cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it. I told you to get this resolved and instead I hear from our staff that you two are fighting! Imagine how that makes us look, not just with the staff but with other groups! I was standing and talking to our sunbaenim's and they no doubt heard what she said" Hongjoong lectured.

"So what?" Seongwha rolled his eyes. Hongjoong stared at him, not believing what he had just seen. Before Seongwha could even blink, he was being bent over one of the tables and Hongjoong was smacking him at a fast pace, not even looking where he was hitting, except to make sure he didn't hit anywhere that would damage Seongwha's back or tailbone.

"So what?! Our reputation is everything and I will not have it destroyed just because you can't keep your words and hands to yourself! We thrive off the attention of others! Everything we've done has been for others. For other groups, for our fans, our staff! If it gets out that you guys are fighting or causing problems, the support we have will go down!" Hongjoong lectured as he lit up Seongwha's ass, not even giving him a break.

"Do you understand that?!" Hongjoong demanded to know. Seongwha had lost all the fight in him and was now just slumped over the table, tears brimming his eyes.

"Yes! I understand. I'm sorry, Hongjoong. I'm sorry, Wooyoung" Seongwha nodded. Finally their captain stopped.

"Get up" He ordered, backing away. Wooyoung took Seongwha's place as soon as the oldest was out of the way. Hongjoong gave him about the same, scolding him as well on the importance of not fighting. Especially with the career they were in.

Luckily, the two did get past their differences though tensions and moods were still high, Hongjoong managed to keep any other conflicts from taking place, at least in public. San, Yeosang, Jongho and Mingi did go to bed early for an argument between them as the group was leaving ISAC.

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