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Wooyoung huffed and sat down on the couch next to the others. 

"I'm going to kill him" He stated. 

"Wooyoung-" Yeosang went to say something but he wasn't sure what. He was just as angry at their maknae as Wooyoung. Hongjoong, Seongwha and Yunho had left for the night, taking time to themselves and leaving their younger members in charge. Jongho seemed to think this was a good time to take advantage of his oldest hyungs' absence and he snuck out.

"I'm serious, Yeosang. I'm going to kill him, bring him back to life and then lock him in our room and chain him to his bed so he can't sneak out again" Wooyoung threatened. He didn't mean any of that but he was angry so no one said anything.

"That's called abuse and will get you arrested for life" San pointed out. Wooyoung smacked him in the face with a pillow. A moment later, the door opened and all four guys stood up, relieved to see Jongho. Wooyoung tried to go after the maknae but Mingi and San caught him and held him back. Yeosang walked over to the youngest.

"You have one chance to explain. Use it wisely" Yeosang warned. Jongho seemed really nervous at his favorite hyung's calmness. 

"There was a party" He said. Yeosang motioned for him to continue, wanting to know more.

"I knew you'd say no if I asked. But then people were drinking and I didn't want to be there if the cops showed up so I left. I walked around for a bit before coming back. I'm sorry" Jongho explained quickly. 

"Your going to be sorry, you little brat!" Wooyoung yelled, fighting against the taller members. 

"Hush, Wooyoung" Yeosang ordered, harshly. Wooyoung shut his mouth and settled for glaring at Jongho. 

"You acted very irresponsible, you broke the rules, but what's worse is that you took advantage of us" Yeosang crossed his arms. He hated being the one in charge but it was necessary this time and he didn't feel bad. Jongho knew the rules and knew he deserved this. Jongho hung his head. He had planned this entire thing just because Hongjoong and Seongwha would be out of the house and now he felt bad for it. 

"Did you not even think about how someone could've leaked your location and you would be mobbed? Did you not think about that?" San cut in. Truthfully, Jongho had not thought of that. 

"Are you going to tell hyungs?" Jongho wondered, daring to look up. All four of his hyungs were glaring at him. 

"Yes. I wouldn't keep this from them, they have a right to know. But their the least of your worries at the moment" Yeosang would never dream of keeping something from Hongjoong or Seongwha. Jongho nodded, figuring as much and started biting his nails. Yeosang took his hand, stopping him. The maknae looked at the floor. Yeosang tilted his head back up, forcing Jongho to look at him. There was sympathy in his eyes, covered by anger and disappointment. 

"I want you to go to your room and get ready for bed. As soon as we're finished, your going to bed" Yeosang decided. 

"But-" Jongho argued. Yeosang tapped his lip, silencing Jongho.

"If your going to act like a rebellious teenager then I will treat you like one. Understood?" Yeosang lectured. Jongho gave in, not really having the energy to argue. 

"Go on" Yeosang backed away, letting Jongho pass. Wooyoung aimed a soft kick at Jongho's ankles, warning the maknae. 

"Wooyoung, I think you should do it" Yeosang stated. The four of them were sitting on the couch again in a messy circle, talking. 

"Me? But your the oldest. You should do it" Wooyoung pointed out. 

"Your the one who said you were going to kill him. It's clear you were the most upset" Mingi replied, making a point. Yeosang had to agree with him. 

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