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Something was different with Wooyoung but Hongjoong couldn't put his finger on it or figure it out. It seemed that the rest of the group knew something that Hongjoong didn't know.

It started a little over a month ago.

"Wooyoung! It is not that hard!" Yunho, surprisingly, was the first one to snap.

"I'm trying" Wooyoung huffed.

"Well fucking try harder! We don't have time for your bullshit mistakes!" Jongho yelled. Wooyoung opened his mouth in shock.

"Okay guys, come on! Let's just try it again" Seongwha instructed. Wooyoung wiped the sweat from his face and got back into position, ready to keep going.

"Not you Wooyoung. Your only slowing us down. Learn the dance on your own and when your ready to cooperate and work with us, then you can come back with us" Seongwha ordered. Wooyoung couldn't believe that Seongwha was even taking part in this. He hadn't done anything wrong and he was being bullied, to put it simply. Wooyoung had enough and grabbed his bag, muttering under his breath as he left to find Hongjoong and vent. As soon as he opened the door though, Wooyoung knew he couldn't bother the leader. Hongjoong was already so stressed, the last thing he needed was to hear about Wooyoung's problems.

"Wooyoung! Did you need something?" Hongjoong turned around in his chair, noticing Wooyoung's presence.

"No hyung, I was just wondering if I could stay with you. I won't be trouble" Wooyoung waited, a little fearful that Hongjoong would turn him away.

"Your no trouble, Wooyoung. Of course you can stay. Is everything alright?" Hongjoong asked again. He couldn't quite figure it out but there was something different about Wooyoung. He looked sad, and angry. Wooyoung put on a bright, fake, smile and nodded.

"Everything's fine hyung" He answered, trying to seem convincing. Hongjoong saw right through him but he couldn't figure out why Wooyoung would lie so there was nothing that the leader could do except trust that everything was in fact fine and he was just being paranoid. 

Hongjoong was not being paranoid. And he was not imagining things. He had in fact just seen Jongho purposefully trip Wooyoung. What was more surprising than that though was the fact that Wooyoung let it happen. He didn't yell at Jongho or scold him for it. He just kept walking and didn't even look at their maknae, or anyone in the room. Something was terribly wrong and Hongjoong had missed it. 

"Wooyoung, come with me" Hongjoong held his hand out for the younger. The best thing he could do was get Wooyoung away from the others and find out what was happening. And then he would talk to the rest of the members. 

"Am I in trouble?" Wooyoung worried. He wouldn't be surprised if Hongjoong started to hate him too. Wooyoung was convinced that the whole team hated him and he didn't know why. 

"No. But I want you to be honest with me, no matter what" Hongjoong answered. Wooyoung still seemed uncertain but he nodded anyways.

"Yes hyung" Wooyoung answered and that was Hongjoong knew that he was innocent. 

"Have the others been mean to you?" Hongjoong had a feeling he knew the answer already but he wanted to be sure that he wasn't jumping to conclusions without all the facts. 

"I don't know what I did hyung!" Wooyoung burst into tears, throwing himself into Hongjoong. The leader caught him and held Wooyoung for several minutes. 

"You didn't do anything, honey. I promise you didn't do anything" Hongjoong repeated over and over again until Wooyoung believed him. Then he carried his dongsaeng to his studio and set Wooyoung down on the couch to calm down.

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