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『 destroying the kugleblitz 』
PHOENIX AND FIVE trailed behind Solane, not saying anything, as silence lingered around the three.
"Five?" Solane asked, breaking the silence.
"Mm?" Five hummed in response, obviously pulled him out of some sort trance.
"Gather Lila and Alison, please? I don't know them well." Solane asked with her silk voice, as they paused their walking for a moment.
He mumbled something, Phoenix assumed it was something along the lines of; 'I have to do everything.' or something like that, before blipping away, the blue lighting the dark hallway they walked through.
"So..." Solane dragged, starting to walk beside Phoenix again, who was a few inches shorter than her.
"Yeah?" Phoenix asked, confused about what she was going to say.
"You and Five?" she questioned, not looking at Phoenix, a small tinge of suggestiveness in her voice with a small smile on her lips.
"What do you mean?" Phoenix asked obliviously, confused on the two words even being in the sam sentence.
"Are you two...?" Solane said, trying to hint without saying it.
Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows as she caught on, "What? No!" Phoenix almost shouted at the question, slightly grimacing at the question.
"I mean-" Solane started, but was quickly cut off before she could make any point.
"Solane, can't I just make friends with someone whilst the earth is still spinning?" Phoenix cut her off, her tone exhausted already.
"Yes, but I was just-" Solane was cut off again.
"I hate when people do that..." Phoenix thought aloud, "I literally can't hang out with a guy and just be friends?" She asked
"I'm sorry, yes, yes, you can." Solane quickly apologized, letting out a sigh.
"It's fine," Phoenix murmured, raising her eyebrows and staring at her feet as they walked.
A silence fell upon the two again.
"Even if it were anything..." Phoenix started, turning her head toward her sister, "The apocalypse is coming, and I'm allowed to do whatever."