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『 shoebox 』
DELORES SET THE sickening shoebox on the table and began to open it. Her breath was physically taken from her lungs as she stared down at this box.
Cigarettes, money, makeup, a lighter, a knife— all of it was in there. It all belonged to her. This was her shit from when she used to sneak out in the last timeline.
Flashes of memories tried to break from the locked dresser in the back of her mind— but couldn't.
She swallowed thickly, shaking her head at the pounding in her head.
"And- that- and that was about three months ago, and I haven't seen her since, and I- I believe that something terrible had happened," he said, his tone growing somber.
Delores couldn't tear her eyes from the box, she felt extremely dizzy and shook her head at the sight of the box that she was once so familiar with.
"No offense." Diego spoke up, his eyes reading over the newspaper article, "Maybe she just wants nothing to do with you." he mumbled, and Lila elbowed him— silently scolding him.
"No. No." the kidnapper immediately denied, "My daughter and I are very close. She would never do this to me." he shook his head.
"Wait, hold on." Luther spoke up, as Delores shut the shoebox, not being able to stand looking at it anymore, "How did you find us?"
"I-I, uh, saw you on TV. Um, Toss N' Wash." he pointed at Allison, and Klaus immediately pointed back at the man.
"Ha!" Klaus exclaimed triumphantly, "See? No small parts." he leaned close to Allison.
"I... I've actually been watching you for quite a while now." The man continued, as Five moved to pick up the gun he set on the table and stand by Delores.
"Definitely not creepy," Delores said sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest, as Five let out a small chuckle.
"Uh... and I'm- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I apologize." he gestured towards Viktor, "Uh, but, I mean, she's all that I have left, and, uh..." he trailed off.
"What do you need us for?" Five furrowed his eyebrows gesturing at the man, "Call a cop."
"I did." he immediately replied, "They-" he sighed, "They don't do anything."