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『 i could be a good mother 』
DELORES WAS SPIRALING. Well, silently, while Grace showed Delores how she drew on the walls of her dollhouse and made a rack for all of her Barbie's clothes.
Delores never knew how to be around kids. In the last timeline, Reginald got seven children, and she often would attempt to care for them, holding them, feeding them, changing them— but she couldn't.
Weirdly she would freak out and her powers were set off, or she would just start crying while the baby was crying as well.
She was awkward with children.
So, that's why she's spiraling, while she pretended to be intrigued by everything the little girl said, she felt off.
Dinner came around, and Delores sat next to Five, shoeless— since she got a lecture from Diego for walking around the house with her shoes on.
Five kept a hand on Delores's leg, a small way of trying to get her to warm up to him, and she allowed his hand to stay in its place, but she still wasn't speaking to him.
When Klaus, Allison, and Claire arrived, she hugged each of them, and they all sent her weird looks since she wasn't usually this happy to see them.
Sitting at the large table with the Hargreeves and Lila's family, they prayed for food. When Delores bowed her head into her praying hands, she kept her eyes shut, and silently begged god to be on her side.
The chatter amongst the table was everything Delores hoped it would be. A small grin stayed on her face as she listened to the domesticity of the home, trying to absorb to moment.
Delores chewed on her bottom lip as she leaned against the wall of Diego and Lila's home in the living room, while Five explained how the two were stuck in the subway for over seven years.
Even if it's shitty, Delores didn't want to be a part of the conversation. So, she stood there, watching cartoons with Claire and Grace— trying to understand the nature of the two.