ALARM BLARING THROUGH the bedroom, whilst the morning sun pours through the curtains.
A groan of annoyance is heard, as Delores rolls over and slams her palm down on the clock that screamed at her to wake up.
An arm snaked around Delores's waist, tugging her away from the clock and closer to his body for warmth.
"Stop it, Five." Delores let out a groan, trying to push clingy Five off of her- his head burying into her collarbone, as she tried to fight his comforting grip.
"No," he grumbled, and Delores let out a sigh, rolling her tired eyes, as she lay there stiffly.
"We have work." Delores narrowed her eyes at Five, "And I have to take our son to school." she grumbled in annoyance at Five.
Five lazily brushed his lips against Delores's neck, pressing kisses up to her neck, causing her to let out a noise of irritation.
"We should just stay home." Five mumbles against Delores's skin, tugging her body closer, and she rolls her eyes once more.
Finally, Delores successfully pries herself out of Five's clinging grip, causing her to sit up in bed and blink lazily- forcing herself to wake up.
Five lets out a groan of annoyance, before draping his arm over his eyes as he rolls onto his back- shielding himself from the morning sun.
Delores shifts off the bed, and steps into her slippers, before shuffling over to the window and opening the curtains. Squinting her eyes at the bright light, she glances at Five who rolls over to hide his face into his pillow.
A scoff leaves Delores's lips at his irritation towards the morning. She then runs a hand through her messy and tangled hair, before moving to leave the room.
The moment she opens the door she's met with seven-year-old Elliot's bright green eyes, who seems to already be ready for the day- Delores is lucky she has a kid as smart as he is.