1 - He's Back Home

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I rushed from my car to his front door and as I was about to knock, he opened it looked slightly disappointed, the only plus side was Dodger, his dog coke running out to great me.

"Hey good boy!" I said and then snickered to myself. Not the first time I used that phrase in the last 24 hours.

"So, what does that make you Veronica, a naughty girl for making me wait?" Chris asked. Again, not the first time I heard that phrase in 24 hours.

"Chris, I'm sorry. I was a little tied up." I said and walked to the door with Dodger following me. Chris wrapped me in a hug, and I smiled as he did. "It's good to have you home." I said. Chris had just gotten back from filming a movie and hadn't been home in a while.

"It's good to be back. There was a whole welcome home party that you missed two days ago." Chris said as we walked into his house, and I stopped right inside the door.

"Seriously Evans, you just going to keep bringing up my short comings I will leave." I said and went to head out the door, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I just thought you would have been here, and Ma said you were going to be..." Chris said, and I groaned.

"And I planned to be, but work got kind of hectic, and I couldn't get away...it was a whole thing. But I'm here now...shouldn't that count for something?" I asked and he nodded as we reached the living room. I saw the pizza and beer and got excited.

"So what did you get up to while I was away?" Chris asked as we both grabbed some pizza.

"Nothing much. I walked Dodger for Lisa a few times, hung out with Scott whenever he was in town, worked...ya know lived a semi normal life." I said and he smiled but I could tell he was thinking of something.

"How's the boyfriend?" Chris asked and I damn near choked on my pizza.


"Yeah, the one you were late for today. The one who kept you too busy to come to the party. Come on Ronnie, I know when you're dating someone." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"Not dating anyone Chris, super single. It's just I have been taking on more clients at the accounting firm and they keep me busy." I said and Chris just nodded.

"But still single...?"

"Yes! Why the sudden interest in my dating life? I don't ask about yours! Then again you date someone it's splashed all over the magazines. Since you never call to talk to me when you're gone." I said and he groaned.

"Really?" Chris asked.

"You want to bash me and get on my ass, I can dish it right back out Chris." I said and he just shook his head.

"Okay...truce?" Chris asked and I smiled as I looked at him.

"For now." I said and he laughed. I leaned my head over and rested it on his shoulder. "I did miss you." I said and he smirked down at me.

"I missed you too Ronnie." Chris said and we went back to watching a movie.

After a couple movies Chris and I were cleaning everything up since he was planning on going out that night.

"You should come out with us tonight. It's just the normal gang. Scott, Shanna, Carly, Tara...the normal." Chris said and I shrugged.

"I'll think about it. I'm kind of tired. It's been a long few days." I said and Chris just half nodded.

"Well, we are going to play some pool at the bar. You know you are welcome to always come." Chris said and I nodded. My cellphone started ringing in my pocket.

"I need to take this." I said pulling it out.

I walked into the kitchen and sighed seeing it was a number I had saved but I didn't want to do this here, not at Chris's but I didn't have a choice.

"Hey you." I said smiling.

"Hey Eva, it's Peter."

"Hey baby." I said.

"Great to hear your voice baby, it's been a shit week and I need my girl."

"Well, you're in luck, I have some openings tonight and tomorrow." I said.

"Tomorrow sounds fantastic. Same place, same time?"

"Sounds perfect, see you then baby." I said and hung up.

I turned around and saw Chris standing there with his arms crossed.

"No boyfriend huh?"

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked panicked knowing everything I said.

"Just you calling whoever was on the phone baby." Chris said.

"Chris, just stop." I said and went to walk past him, and he stopped me.

"I don't know why you would lie to me Ronnie!"

"I'm not lying Chris!"

"Then who was on the phone?!" Chris asked slightly raising his voice.

"What does it matter to you?! Not like I'm with you!" I said.

"No, you aren't but you are my friend and if you are into something..."

"I'm not into anything! I'm living a life and working. Not all of us can be a Hollywood actor and have everything handed to us!" I yelled and Chris looked a little taken aback.

"So the truth comes out..." Chris trailed off in spiteful tone.

"What comes out?" I asked.

"You're jealous of me and my job. I got fame, I got the money and I got everything. You were left some money from your parents and now it must be running out, so you had to get a job. Boo Hoo." Chris said and I just shook my head.

"I don't know why I try sometimes with you Evans. I think we are close, I think we are having a good time and one thing gets said and fucks everything up. I was considering out tonight but fuck you and fuck it all!" I said and went to walk out.

"No, go fuck your new boyfriend since that seems like what you were setting up in my kitchen anyway." Chris said and I groaned.

"Even if I had a boyfriend, which I don't but if I did, I don't know how you would have room to talk. At least I have some standards and don't just fuck anything with legs." I said and Chris growled.

"Get the fuck out." Chris said.

"Fucking gladly!" I yelled and walked out of Chris's house slamming the door closed behind me. 

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