29 - Unexpected

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A few days after Halloween Chris and I were on the couch, I was straddling Chris's lap, and we were making out. I started moving on him causing him to growl. I knew I was getting to him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and before I knew what was happening, he was quickly moving, resituating us to where he was hovering over top of me. I giggled as his lips went to my neck.

"Chris..." I moaned as I felt him smile as he kissed up my neck to my earlobe that he quickly nipped at.

"You can't have control all the time my love." Chris whispered in my ear. I spread my legs, he settled himself between them and started rubbing his throbbing center against my aching core. I felt like teenagers making out on their parents' couch and we were just trying to turn each other on to the point of no return. I placed my hands on his hips, and I started moving with him.

As we continued to make out, I started to wince in pain. I moved my wrist in the cast from his side and started slightly shaking it. Chris stopped making out with me and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked and I shook my head and started to pull his back down to me and I started shaking it again. "Ronnie..." Chris said getting off of me and we both sat up.

"I don't know, my wrist hurts."

"Hurts, what do you mean?" Chris asked and I gripped the casted arm pulling my arm to my chest as a shooting pain shit through the arm causing me to start crying in pain.

"I don't know, it just hurts. Something doesn't feel right." I said and Chris pulled out his cellphone and called the doctor's office number.

Someone answered the phone, and I heard Chris start talking to someone. "Yes, this is someone calling for Veronica Malcolm. She has a cast on her wrist, and she is complaining of pain." Chris explained. Someone said something, Chris stood up as I cradled my wrist and had some tears streaming down my face. "Okay we will get there as soon as we can." Chris said and he helped me stand up. He hung up the phone and we left the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Chris helped me in the car.

"The hospital. The doctor is there today, and he wants to see you." Chris said and I nodded as Chris drove to the hospital. He wouldn't admit that he was even a little worried about me and what was happening. We just drove in silence.

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I had my cast removed and sat waiting for the x-rays to come back. They gave me some pain meds and Chris was sitting next to me on the exam table and my head was on his shoulder. The doctor finally walked in and pulled up the x-rays on his tablet he was carrying.

"Alright so I looked over the x-rays and it looks like the wrist isn't healing and the prolonging of it being broken and damaged is what's causing the pain. We are going to have to go in and do the surgery we discussed before." The doctor said and I sighed looking at Chris.

"What kind of recovery time are we looking at?" I asked.

"It all varies honestly. It can be four to six weeks up to twelve weeks. It just depends."

I groaned and looked at Chris.

"I mean if I don't have a choice..." I said and the doctor shook his head.

"You don't." the doctor said.

"So, when would we schedule the surgery for." Chris asked.

"Yeah, I would like to make sure everything is taken care of." I said. The doctor shook his head.

"I don't think you understand Veronica, we have to do the surgery today. They wrist is only going to get worse and hurt more."

I sighed and looked down at my lap.

"I guess if I have to." I said and he nodded.

"Well, we are going to get you set up in a room and get everything scheduled. Just sit tight here and someone will be in soon." He said and walked out. I looked at Chris and he wrapped his arm around me and just held on to me.

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I was sitting in the room about to be taken into surgery and I was getting nervous. Chris had called Scott and Lisa to tell them. They quickly showed up.

"Hey, it's all going to be okay. You're going to come out of this with a bionic wrist." Scott said and we I smiled as did Chris and Lisa.

"Dodger will love playing fetch with me now." I said and Chris smiled and kissed the side of my head.

"I guess I'm just worried. I mean what if they get in there and it's worse than they thought?" I questioned.

"Ronnie calm down. Everything will be fine. You have the best doctor and surgeon. Everything will be fine." Lisa said and grabbed my good hand giving it a squeeze.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" I asked Chris and he nodded. "Can you call my accountant and check my finances, you're approved talk inquire on the account. I just need to make sure I have the money to cover this surgery." I said and Chris groaned.

"Don't worry about that right now. Let's worry about one thing at a time and getting this handled is number one." Chris said and I sighed. The orderlies came walking in the room.

"We're ready to take her down to surgery." The one said and I sighed. I looked at Lisa and Scott with tears in my eyes.

"We love you sweetie." Lisa said and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. Scott hugged and kissed me as well. They walked out and Chris placed his hand on my cheek and wiped away tears that had fallen.

"Hey, I love you and I will be there right when you get out of surgery." Chris said.

"You promise to be the first face I see?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"You know it baby. I love you." Chris said and I gave a small smile.

"I love you too." I said and he leaned in passionately kissing me.

"It's time Miss Malcolm." The orderly said and came over and started getting everything ready for transport. As I was pushed out of the room in my bed, I watched Chris left standing in the room trying not to look too concerned.


I watched her being wheeled down the hall and sighed.

"It's wrist surgery Chris, she will be okay." Lisa said.

"I love her Ma. I know the surgery isn't too serious, but anything can happen, and I don't want to lose her."

"And you won't Chris. Now let's go wait in the waiting room." Lisa said as we walked down to the surgical waiting room to await news on the woman who I loved and who would be my future, I knew she would.

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