4 - Bowling & Revelations

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"Just call us when you are done or have Carly bring you home if she comes." My dad said as he dropped me off at the bowling alley,

"Or you could have just let me drive myself..." I grumbled.

"Don't start Ronnie..." My mom said. I just sighed and got out of the car closing the car door. I was lucky I even got to come to this meet up with my friends. The company dinner for my dad's company was supposed to be so important and kids were invited but I refused.

I walked into the bowling alley and instantly saw Carly and Scott. I wasn't sure where Shanna was, and I knew Chris wouldn't be there. He was in LA filming some movies, last I knew. I went to get shoes from the counter and pay but was informed my shoes had been picked up and the lane was all paid for. This was not how we did things, we always split the lane. I arrived at the lane and looked at everyone.

"What's up with paying guys?! I would have paid my half." I said and Carly sighed.

"We didn't pay either." Carly responded but handed me my shoes and I sat to change.

"So, who did?" I asked.

"That would be me." I heard the voice say behind me and I whipped around so fast I almost lost my balance.

"You're home!" I screamed and jumped in his arms, and he held on to me and laughed as we hugged. Once we broke apart Chris just looked at me in a little shock.

"Wait a minute...where are the glasses?" Chris asked and I huffed a laugh as I sat to change my shoes.

"Got contacts." I said and he smiled.

The thing was Chris had been in LA for a few years and when he came home, I was always there to see him, but I was the hair constantly in a ponytail, big hoodies, jeans, glasses kind of girl. I was the nerd-type who would rather have been reading instead of interacting with people. I loved being alone, Chris never really gave me that option, but he would also just sit with me while I read, and he would practice his drawing or something.

Now though...the nerd was gone, puberty hit, just very late. It all changed senior year, once the body and looks changed Shanna and Carly helped me go shopping, get the makeover I needed and convinced me to get contacts. Better clothing options then a hoodie and loose-fitting jeans that hid my lack of no body beforehand. Everything was now figure hugging or close to it because Carly was tired of me hiding the body I had, especially now that I had a great one. It got me a lot of looks come senior year and a lot of people were shocked by the change, but I didn't let it deter me from being valedictorian and graduating top of my class. Chris was just taking in the new look, which tonight consisted of a red V-neck t-shirt and faded blue jeans that were formfitting, and my hair was down and slightly wavy, the make-up was done but tasteful. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I have to go find a ball." I said and went to walk away.


I watched Ronnie walk away and was in shock.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"Shanna and I gave her a makeover once everything changed." Carly said and they both smiled at him.

"Yeah, but why?! She was perfect the way she was, she had her own personality." I complained.

"She still has the personality Chris, but the looks changed. She finally hit puberty and with the changes she needed to change her look." Shanna said.

I groaned and looked at her picking out a ball as a guy approached her to talk to her. She smiled and I could tell she was nervous talking to this guy.

"What's the big deal? You have Jessica any way." Scott said causing me to groan. My on and off again relationship with Jessica Biel was so publicized and everyone knew when we were together or not.

"No, I don't, we broke up before I came home." I explained.

"Again..." Carly mumbled, and I turned to look at her.

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"Just means that you and Jessica are always together and then not together. Very off and on. Is there something stopping you from committing to her or her committing to you?" Carly asked. I groaned.

"I'm going to get a ball." I said and walked away. Carly was quickly following after me.

"Chris, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything..."

"No, it's fine, you have a point." I admitted.

"What are you talking about?"

I sighed and leaned on the wall I was standing by and crossed my arms.

"It's just Ronnie..."

"What about Ronnie?" Carly asked confused.

I shuffled my foot on the carpet and sighed.

"Chris? What's going on?" Carly questioned.

I looked over and Ronnie was laughing with Scott and Shanna about something when she got back to the lane and I smiled hearing her laugh, the laugh that made my heart skip a beat.

"Carly...I think I have feelings for Ronnie..."

"Think?" Carly asked.

"I know I have feelings for Ronnie. I have for a few years...I never thought I should act on it. I mean she is four years younger than me. Sad part is I don't think she feels the same way so here I am stuck in the friendzone with her, and I don't know how to handle it." I finally admitted. Carly just looked at me.

"Tell her Chris, don't wait too long."

"I can't Carly. I don't want to ruin whatever we have as friends. I cross the line of saying I like her and want to date her its forever there whether we get together, don't get together or we get together and break up. It's always there. I will always love her and always want to be with her, but I will just love her from afar." I explained. Carly sighed as I walked away after picking a bowling ball from the rack. I walked back to the lane while Carly just watched me, and Ronnie interact together all night.

As we were getting ready to leave at the end of the night, I hugged Ronnie and Carly looked at us.

"Your parents here?" Carly asked Ronnie and she nodded.

"On their way. Dad's work thing ended so they are almost here." Ronnie said. "I better head outside and wait. Love you guys." Ronnie continued. This was normal for them to say they loved each other, they were practically family.

"Love you too." They all said at separate times. Ronnie walked to the door, and I watched her leave. Carly watched me watch her and sighed.

"You need to say something before it's too late." Carly said.

"I go back to LA in a few weeks, she goes to college in Georgia...not worth it." I admitted and walked away from Carly, who was the only one to ever know the truth.

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